All Fun and Games Until...

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Dinnea'sPOV: In the midst of my hysteria, I tried to keep my attacker at bay. As I saw him coming in for a kiss, I moved my head back and forth to avoid his lips at all cost. From what I could see of him, he was someone I'd never seen before. Just a random pervert in the club, but out of everyone here why me? As I struggled I noticed a dark figure from the corner of my eye moving towards us from the back of the club. My first thought was that it was a man who noticed what was happening, and was coming to help me. I don't know why, but that possible sliver of hope gave me the strength to struggle harder against the guy. I almost got my left leg free enough to knee my attacker in the groin. Quickly sensing what I was doing, he side stepped, dodging my attack completely. Man for a drunk guy he seemed pretty agile.

            Agitated by my defiance and sudden outburst, he lifted his hand getting ready to slap me. I closed my eyes and cringed as I awaited the pain to come… To my surprise it never came down. Opening my eyes slowly I saw that my attackers arm was in the tight clutch of the dark mysterious guy behind him. Jerking the drunk guy off of me with quick precision, my dark savior violently slammed the guy’s head into glass table beside us. The sound of broken glass was crystal clear through the booming club music. Slamming the guy into the floor, his cries of pain were muffled by the sudden burst of bass from the speakers above. The mysterious guy didn’t seem too satisfied to stop there. Grabbing the guy by his collar, he started punching him with such furiousness that I thought he might kill him!

            Snapping out of my state of shock, I finally urged up enough courage to pull the mysterious guy off the now unconscious man laying before him. By touching his arm, an electric current flew up mine from the contact. His whole body tensed in that same exact moment, almost as if he felt it too… Quickly jerking his arm away from my hand, he brushed past me towards the crowd of people dancing. "Wait…!" I called out suddenly. He stopped mid step, tightly curling his fists. Looking over his shoulder slightly, his shadowed face wore a dangerous glare. A random strobe light lit over him for a split second giving me a swift view before shinning into my eyes. When I looked back, he was gone…

            Looking right and left I didn't see him anywhere, he was completely gone. Suddenly, physically and mentally exhausted, I slid against the wall behind me coming to my knees. The tears began to slide down my eyes as the truth of my situation started to become more and more of a reality. "Dinnea…?" Looking up, Naki was standing there shocked, taking in the situation before him. Glancing over at the man now regaining consciousness, Naki angrily asked, "Did that son of a bitch touch you anywhere?"

Diona'sPOV: Naki was about to get a punch on the guy, but Kiyo caught his arm and was trying to calm him down. My eyes flicked over to see Dinnea basically sitting on the floor crying and shaking. I ran over to her to see what was happening.

            "Dinnea, what’s wrong? What's going on?" "I don't know…that man…was going to…" She didn't say anything else but cried a little harder. I hugged her tightly to try and get her to calm down, and looked over at Kiyo struggling to hold Naki back "I think it might be time to go." I said in her ear.

            Shortly after I said that, Naki and Kiyo walked over. "Let's go." Kiyo said, and we stood up. She was having trouble walking because she was shaking so hard. Naki noticed and lifted her into his arms easily. We walked to the car, and she fell asleep on his shoulder…poor girl. She slept most of the way in the car. There was silence as we drove. “So uh..thanks for taking us out guys. It was…fun” I said awkwardly trying to break the silence. Kiyo smiled and grabbed my hand and squeezed. I looked back at Naki who was intently staring out of the window in his own little world. He still had his arm securely wrapped around Dinnea. “Naki…it wasn’t your fault” I wanted to say to him, but I decided just to leave him alone.

            When we got to the house, Naki helped Dinnea out of the car and to her room. “You can come in” I smiled to Kiyo who was just kind of standing beside his car. He smiled back and followed me inside. “Diona…I’m sorry. This didn’t turn out the way I wanted” Kiyo looked down at the ground. “Hey it wasn’t your fault. I’m glad you took me out” He smirked. “Let me show you around.” I showed him the kitchen and the living room. As we walked to my room, we passed Dinnea’s and saw Naki tucking her in. I smiled sympathetically. I felt terrible…”Let’s go” Kiyo muttered bringing me back. “Right, so…this is my room. Sorry it’s kind of messy.” I said trying to tidy up, my face feeling hot. He chuckled “Cute”. Kiyo walked over to me and hugged me tight. “Arigato Bijin” We stayed like that for a few moments, and that’s when I noticed he smelled really nice. –ring ring- He let me go to answer his phone.

“Moshi moshi. Oh oniisan…ok” Kiyo turned back towards me “Sorry that was my brother. Uhmm I think Naki and I should get going now.” He said heading towards Dinnea’s room to get Naki. It seemed like he was hiding something…they were almost out of the house by the time I got to the living room. “Uh ok be safe..see you guys later.” Kiyo came back over and kissed my forehead. “Goodnight.” “Bye Diona” Naki said waving and getting into the car. Kiyo gave me one last reassuring smile before he got in the car and drove off. Weird..0.o

Dinnea'sPOV: The dream I had this time was different compared to the all the others, it even had a nice scent of light cologne in it. In this dream I was simply walking, and everything around me was completely white. As I continued to walk, I finally came upon traditional Japanese sliding doors. Hesitating at first I gently slid the doors open to reveal a long tatami covered hallway.

            Stepping inside a familiar feeling crept down my spine, as I took my first steps. Looking around it seemed as though I was in an large old house, that seemed empty. "Hello…?" I ask aloud, but was returned with silence. I was just about to slide the door to my left open when I heard laughter come further down the hall. "Hello?" I say again. Walking on down the hallway, large sliding doors suddenly appeared in front of me. They were slightly ajar, enough for me to see inside a little.

            To my left I noticed a tall handsome young man facing away from me, wearing a white long sleeved top with hakama bottoms. The clothing seemed to show off his lean body.  I thought his apparel was weird, but then again this was a dream. This thought was soon dispersed form my mind when I saw the tail of the most beautiful kimono ever… Glancing to my right I peeped at a pink kimono with a sakura (cherry) blossom tree decorated on the back of the girl, as it's petals flowed gracefully into the a stream with lilies. I silently gasped at the beauty of the garment.

            The couple seemed to be sharing a friendly conversation, as they faced away from me. I tried to get a better look, but the young man suddenly turned towards the girl, placing a single petal behind her ear. Wait a minute…that guy look an awfully like Takashi. I rubbed my eyes thinking I was mistaken, but as I looked again it did turn out to be Takashi! The girl giggled while bashfully turning away. He grabbed her hand gently, suddenly having the look of a man who was just about to profess his love. The girl slowly looked towards him and she looked just like me…

         My alarm blared through my ear, jerking me awake from the dream. I find myself on my futon alone. "So that was a past memory…" I thought as I quietly stared at the ceiling. Still trying to understand what just happened, images of last night start to play out before me. That attacker, my dark savior, our touch, and his glare… Something about him seemed so familiar to me, I just couldn't place my finger on it yet. One thing was for sure, I wouldn’t rest until I found out.

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