Let It All Out

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Takashi's POV: Staring at the one person I was trying to avoid all day, a sense of dread washed over me. "What are you doing here Dinnea?" I said quietly as I picked the chair up from off the ground. Lightening struck across the sky, and she flinched. "Sa-same as you, I'm  waiting out the storm." I smirked. "Scared of a little storm, are we?" "N-no it's just that….ok you got me, I'm afraid of thunderstorms. I was on my way home when I got stuck in the storm, so decided to just wait it out. Why are you here?" I shrugged leaning against the windowsill. "I don't like to ride my motorcycle in a storm like this, so like you said earlier I'm waiting it out." "You ride a motorcycle, but that’s so dangerous…" "Some might say that." I said glancing straight into her eyes.

            The room was quiet for a while, neither of us saying a word. Only the rumble of the thunder reminded me that we were still in reality and this wasn't a dream. "Takashi…" She said softly, while wringing her hands. Was she nervous? "What happened to your hand?" Completely taken off guard by her question, I looked down at my left hand before putting it behind my back. "Nothing, I just hurt it a little." From what little light there was in the room, I could see her brown eyes staring at me intently. "Doing what?" I wasn't about to play this game with her. "Ya know, I'm sure there's another room that's just as good as this one…" Gathering my things I decided that I needed to leave, before she found out the truth. "Hold on a second." She called out. Stopping with my hand on the door, I couldn't bring myself to turn around. "What's going on with you Takashi? You weren't in homeroom today…" "Tch, what are you worried about me now?" I said looking over my shoulder. "Actually…yes." Stunned I turned around slowly. "Why…" I said puzzled. I've never had anyone who was concerned about me except for my brother, why was she suddenly like this? Did she know…

"Do you mind if I look at your hand?" Before I could I refuse, she was already in front of me. I tried to move it behind me, but she grabbed my wrist gently. Moving my hand in different directions, she started to unwrap it from the bandage. I put my hand over hers, trying to stop her from going any further. She pushed it away and continued unwrapping. Suddenly she gasps from what lay before her. There were bruises all along my knuckles. The swelling hadn't yet to gone down from icing it all night, so it was still somewhat puffed. Gently touching my hand with the tips of her fingers, she looked sad when she asked, "What really happened Takashi…?" I looked away from her to stare at the heavy rain, hitting the window. "I got mad and punched a wall. Can I have my hand back now?" I said pulling away from her. "Why are you lying to me?" I flinched. She knew, it was obvious from the look on her face, but I still couldn't bring myself to tell the truth. "What do you want me to say, huh? What's the use of telling you something that you already know Dinnea."

            A look of shock marred her face, before it changed to confusion. "Then that would mean…" Standing there quietly, she couldn't bring herself to finish. "Say it…" I whispered as I began to rewrap my hand. "No…it can't be true." "Say it Dinnea." Walking closer to her, my blue eyes were now staring deeply into her brown ones. The storm seemed to pick up in intensity, with branches banging against the glass windows. I couldn't quite place this feeling, but I wanted nothing more but to hear the truth come from her lips. Placing my good hand against her cheek, she closed her eyes briefly. I felt her shiver, possibly form the cold or maybe… "Say it." I said once more. "It was you…you saved me that night. Didn't you Takashi?" Satisfaction rushed over me from finally hearing the words that seemed to be torturing us both. "Yes…and I'd do it all over again if I had to." I said truthfully.

            It was strange. Instead of hitting and cussing me out for following her, she wrapped her arms around my waist and squeeze me tightly. My hands were hanging awkwardly in the air from the shock, but then came down wrapping around her securely. "Thank you… Thank you so much. Takashi you saved my life." Letting out a breath of relief, I pulled her closer to me. "You mean you're not mad?" I asked into her hair. "Heh mad?" She leaned back some. "No I'm not mad Takashi. Though I am a little creeped out that you followed me, I'm also thankful that you were there. Just thinking if he had his way me, I…" She broke of painfully, closing her eyes. "Hey…look at me." I said placing my hand underneath her chin. Slowly opening her eyes, she looked up at me. "I'd never allow him to hurt you, or anyone else. I followed you because I was worried. After you stormed off at the pool party, I couldn't help but think of the worse. I was driving by the next day and saw you get into the car with Kiyo and Naki." I paused feeling anger start to rise inside me. "Wait, so that was you at the mall too?!" she said surprised. Putting my head down, my sudden anger was washed away with shame. "Yes. That was me, but I tried to keep my distance." I said quickly. "It's just the thought of you being with him, just…" "You don’t like Naki, but why?" I sighed. "Dinnea…the way that he looks at you, I don't like it." She suddenly pulled away from me. The distance between us came with a cold breeze. "What do mean Takashi? Naki is a good friend, and I don't remember the last time saying that I was yours." "But you are though…and you know it." I said almost in a whisper. "Stop fighting it Dinnea. I know deep down inside, you feel the same way too, but you keep denying the truth. Stop torturing us both, and be with me…" Laying all my cards on the table I waited anxiously for an answer.

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