My Ninja

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Dinnea's POV: Waking up, all I could think about was that the end of the week was finally here. That meant a couple of days to relax and concentrate on something other than you know who… I don’t know, ever since that day in class where Takashi showed up battered and beaten I've been finding myself thinking about him more and more. I know I shouldn't worry myself over his issues, but I can't shake the feeling that I have concerning him. Even though this was Friday, and I should be excited about it being close to the weekend something deep down inside wasn't sitting right with me. Taking a deep breath I decided to push those unwanted thoughts towards the back of my mind as I finished getting ready for school that morning.

            On the way to there while Diona and I were walking, I listened quietly as she talked to me about places she still wanted to visit, and something about a festival coming up soon. I nodded and smiled while I continued to listen as she gushed with excitement. "Girl it's going to be so much fun!" She said practically bouncing from toe to toe. "Ehh where exactly did you hear about this festival?" I asked trying to stay engaged. I mean a festival seemed like something cool to experienced, and I wanted to be just as excited as her, but I couldn’t seem to muster up enough energy to put in the effort. "Oh I uh…looked up some festivals and celebrations the other day while I was trying the brush up on my Japanese some." She said slightly blushing. I looked over at her before I stopped to grab her wrist. "Diona…you know if you're still having trouble with your Japanese I can help you. Better yet Kiy_" "No thanks." She quickly said. Pulling her arm back she looked away. "I'm already taking care of that problem…" She said. "Oh really, how?" I asked curiously. "Listen I don't want to talk about this right now. We should get going, or we're going to be late." She said changing the subject.

            Before she could walk away I grabbed her wrist again. "I know what you're doing Diona, and it's not going to work on me. We've been best friends since elementary school, you should at least give me a little credit." I said. She took a step back. "I don't know what you're talking about." She said not looking me in the eye. "Diona, I know there's something going on between you and Kiyo. You guys haven't really spoken to each other since the night we all went out together. D-did he do something… Did he hurt you?" "No of course not! Kiyo's not that type of person…" She said defensively. "Then what is it between you two?" I questioned. Being the stubborn girl she was, she refused to answer. "Ok…I won't press anymore, but whatever happened between Kiyo and you, I hoped you'd at least try to talk to him so you guys can come to "some" agreement. It's super awkward enough with Takashi and Naki constantly hating each other in front of me, I don't need extra ice to fill the room." I said.

            I know it wasn't my place to get into her and Kiyo's business, but I hated to see them so distant towards each other. They were my last hope for what a cute and normal relationships was supposed to be like. From the great words of Jesse Jackson, "Keep hope alive!" Diona started the laugh. "Haha, extra ice? Come on Dinnea do you honestly think that's fair. I mean look at you and Kiyo's brother…" My eyes widened not sure where she was going with this. "What do you mean?" I asked cautiously. "I don't know. I haven't really seen you guys hang near each other a lot, but every time you're together I get this intense vibe going on between you two…" Well shit. I didn't think Diona would've caught on so quickly. Now it was my turn to be evasive. "Is that the bell I hear…" I said starting the quickly walk away. Diona laughed while catching up beside me. "Heh, see it's not nice being grilled is it?" She said smirking at me. "Oh hush. You have your problems and I have mine, no need to venture on the subject any longer." "Aww come on don't be that way…" She said while pinching the side of my cheek. "Guaahh leave me alone." I said as I started to run, while Diona happily chased me towards the school.    

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