What Happened?

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***Hey guys! This isn't a regular update, so we will be posting this week continuing with the regular story line. We know that most of you are curious about Kiyo's and Takashi's relationship, soooooooo here's a gift to you of our appreciation of the views so far! A small side scene continuing from when Kiyo is leaving from Diona's and Dinnea's place. P.S. Don't forget to comment, we wanna hear whatcha think! ENJOY :D***

Kiyo's POV: After begrudgingly rushing out of Diona's place I hopped into the car. My mind was racing from my brother's phone call. "Kiyo…I did something…bad." His words still chimed  in my head after he immediately ended the call. Hearing the car door open, Naki hopped in the front seat. Speeding off I raced to drop Naki off. "You alright Kiyo?" Naki's concerned voice asked from the passenger's side. "Ye_yeah, just some family business I have to care of." "Did something happen? Is it your dad? …Is it Takashi?" Looking over, I noticed him rolling his eyes at the possibility of my brother being in trouble…again. "What?" "Nothing, it's just I'm not surprised is all."

            Glancing back at the road, I clutched the staring wheel. "What's that supposed to mean Naki?" "Tch, not to be rude or anything Kiyo, but this is Takashi we're talking about. When is he not getting into trouble?" Hearing this from my best friend pissed me off. "Naki, don't talk about my brother that way. You have no idea what he's really like." This was true, nobody really knew what Takashi was like except for me. If he was the cause of trouble, he must of had a damn good reason for it.

            "Ok, I'm sorry. I was out of line, I'm just frustrated about what happened tonight. I should have went with Dinnea…" Hearing the guilt in his voice, erased the earlier annoyance I felt with him. "Hey man it's not your fault, no one could have known that would happen." "No, but when I got there…the guy was laying unconscious in a bloody mess. Almost like someone had already beat the crap out of him." "Maybe someone saw what was going on and helped her." "Yeah, but why would they just leave her there like that?" Pulling up to Naki's home, I parked. "I don’t know, but let's just be thankful someone WAS there." Naki shook his head in agreement. "You're right…thanks for the ride man." He tiredly got out of the car, and slowly walked towards the gate of his house.

            I couldn't get home fast enough, as I wondered what Takashi could've done that was so bad.  As i unlocked the door, I walked into the barren home preparing myself for what was to come. "Onii-san I'm home!" I said as I placed my keys on the counter, making my way towards upstairs…

Takashi's POV: Flinching from the sudden company, I hopped off the bed, clutching my left hand. Catching a glance of myself in the mirror, I looked like shit. There were dark circles underneath my eyes, from the lack of sleep last night. My clothes were wrinkled, and my fists were a bloody mess. I couldn't even tell who's blood it was, but from the stinging in my left hand I knew some of it was mine.

            This was all her fault…if she had just_. All of a sudden Kiyo peeps through the door. "Woah bro..you look like shit." He said as he plopped down onto my futon. Great minds think a lot I thought less than amused. "Well I defiantly feel like it." I picked up the towel that was laying on the floor and wrapped my hand in it. Looking over at my little brother, he seemed to be waiting on something.

            "So? Tell me what happened. What terrible thing did you do?" He studied me closely, but concern was written all over his face. I sighed, sitting down on the futon beside him. "I messed up big time Kiyo…I just…completely lost it. It all happened so fast, he was about to hurt her and I had to do something!" I could feel the anger begin to rise inside me again. "Woah woah woah slow down." Kiyo said. "Where were you and who are you talking about?" He glanced down at the towel I had wrapped around my hand. "Did you get into a fight Takashi?" He said quietly. I bit my lip ashamed to tell him the whole truth. "Yes, but I had a good reason!" I said quickly. "There was this guy trying to…hurt this girl I knew from school." I hadn't told Kiyo about Dinnea yet. Hell if I had told him what was going on between us, he would've thought I was crazy. Just like she does now…

            I knew my brother wouldn't really judge me, but Kiyo and I haven't really been close since_ Shaking my head, I closed down past emotions. "He had it coming, but then I just lost it. Kiyo I almost beat the man to death…I was just so ANGRY!" I felt him place a hand on my shoulder, trying to comfort me. Kiyo knew I had a short temper, but more than that he believed in me to make the right chocie. "Well the good news is you didn’t, and I'm sure that girl, whoever she may be, thanks you. Mom would've been proud of you for protecting her." Smiling slightly, I elbowed him gently in his side. "Thanks Kiyo…that means a lot." Gritting my teeth I wanted to tell him more, but I couldn't bring myself to say it out loud. "I think…I'm gonna head to bed now, before I do something else crazy." I said jokingly. Nodding his head he understood. As he stood he slightly hesitated. With lightning speed he kissed me on the cheek. "Oi!" I yelled while wiping off my cheek. "Love you Onii-san!^-^" He said before he ran out ducking form the pillow I threw at him.

            Chuckling at his silliness, my heart lightened. My brother had that effect on people. I sometimes envied his personality, and how he made everything seem less serious. Compared to me, everyone thought he was the better twin, giving me the impression of a trouble maker and an undeserving member of the Keneshiro family's name. Breathing in deep, I leaned back against my futon. "I wonder if she's ok…" I thought as I remembered the look in her eyes. "Wait!" Her plea made me want to take her away from that place, but I couldn't risk her knowing it was me. She'd probably think I was even more of a weirdo, following her there, but I had to… If I wasn’t there tonight… I clinched my fists together, wincing from the pain as I tried to block out those negative what if's. I was certain about one thing, I'd never allow anything like to happen again, not now…not ever.    

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