First Day...

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Diona's POV: "I'm so excited and nervous to finally get to Japan." "Me too! I hope there's a lot of cute guys there." I smiled and shook my head as we rode in our commercial seats to Japan. This was the trip of a lifetime, it was all because we worked hard through our three years of high school, which pushed us to try bigger and better things. Just then the pilot announced that there was one more hour until we landed, and I knew it would go fast because I had my best friend Dinnea to talk to, my mp3 player, and a beautiful view to look at.

            The hour passed and finally we got off the plane. Everything was amazing, yet so different from the U.S. Flashing lights, and everything kawaii (cute). ^-^ I could tell this was going to take some getting used to. "Come on, we should catch a cab to our new home!" Dinnea said pulling me along. We looked at the people holding up names, and finally found ours. It was eleven in the morning and the sun was shining brightly outside the car window as we passed by tall buildings decorated with amazing looking logos, while the streets were bustling with people. "This is beautiful…" I said in awe. "If you think that now, just wait until dark." the driver said with a bit of an accent. I looked at Dinnea and we both were about to squeal with joy. fifteen minutes later we pull up to our new home. "This is it", the driver says. He helps us get our bags inside and we thank him with a generous tip. After he leaves, we hug each other and I breathed out, " We finally made it."

Dinnea's POV: "I know, it felt like forever." I said from the long flight here, I went through the small apartment, and claimed the room that would be mine. It had a closet, one window, a small desk, and a futon. I walked over to the window and opened it. The site was beautiful, it was close enough to the city to get a good view of the major buildings, but far enough away so that all the flashing lights wouldn't be such a nuance. "I'm going to love it here." I said quietly to myself.

            I started to unpack when Diona came in. "So what do think?" Diona asked while lifting her arms to refer to everything. "I love it here, it's so incredible. You know what, we should go out and explore the city." I suggested. "Great idea. Hey let me grab my bag and we can go." She said wandering into the other room. Sitting there on my futon, the culture shock of finally being in Japan was slowly hitting me bit by bit.

Diona's POV: I looked all around me before asking, "Where should we go first?" Dinnea thought for a second, and said, "Let's check out that mall that they say is so great." So we went to the mall, and I would be lying if I said this mall wasn't ten times bigger than our mall back home in Knoxville! It was heavily decorated, and the escalators led up to three floors. Instead of having quiet store music, there was Japanese pop music that was playing for everyone to hear.

            We didn’t notice at first, but Dinnea and I were just standing there in the doorway in awe, when suddenly someone from behind bumped us out of the way. We laughed realizing that we must have looked ridiculous. I started to really focus on stores and people now. There was one person in particular that caught my eye. A girl with unnaturally high pigtails, with wide anime like eyes, in a frilly-like dress. The girl was also wearing  an outfit what I found out later to be a style called Harujuku cosplay.  I nudged Dinnea bringing her attention to the girl ahead. She smiled. "Boy are we gonna have some interesting pictures to take back." Then she discreetly took a pic of the girl with her phone. "I don’t know is if I ever want to go back." I said amazed. She laughed. "Come on, we have a lot to do, and little time before school starts tomorrow." And with that, we started our first Japanese shopping trip!

Dinnea's POV: After the shopping trip, we practically didn’t spend any money because we were too busy sightseeing. It was fantastic. It was like being in a completely different world, seeing people and places, that would you'd only read and see in books. I wanted to take pics of every little interesting thing I saw.

            After we got home we were so exhausted from all the walking, so we went straight to bed. That night I had a dream, about vague images of a guy. He had night black hair, that came down to his shoulders, and he was tall and slightly fit. The best part of the dream was that he was smiling, which made him seem so gentle. I was about to see what he was smiling about, when suddenly my alarm clock went off waking me up. Snapping out of the dream I sighed… "Who was that guy?"         

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