Truths Be Told

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Diona's POV: That night I dreamt of Kiyo. He was laughing and smiling with his friends and he looked so happy. I whispered out his name, and he immediately turned around. Kiyo gave me the warmest smile while opening his arms to me. As I was about to walk over to hug him, I heard a laugh, and then saw Naomi running over towards him. He hugged her tightly. “I love you” she said to him. They were just about to kiss –buzz buzz- I woke up to my phone ringing “UGGH”. I looked at it and it was a text from Haku. "Hey America! Good MORNING! ;)" I rolled my eyes and continued reading. "Get here early…I need to talk to me in the cafeteria. K sunshine..?"  -Mazamaki-      

            I rolled out of bed and almost hit the floor…thanks to last night’s dream I was very irritated. "Wonder what he wants? Why am I so tired?" I got ready and found Dinnea sitting in her room listening to music. "Ready to go..?" She looked at the clock. "It's early." "I know but I need to be there early." She hesitantly got her stuff and looked at me suspiciously. "Come on!" I faked a smile and pushed her out the door.

            It took us about 15 minutes to get to the school, but I was getting more and more curious about why Haku wanted to meet with me. I turned to Dinnea when we got in the school. "So I'll meet you after school I guess. I gotta do something." "Wait where are you going?" I turned back around, "I'll tell you later." She just nodded and started to walk off. I don't why I was being so secretive. I was only going to talk to Haku. It didn't matter now, because I was standing in front of the cafeteria doors.

            I opened the doors and went in expecting to see Haku sitting, but to my surprise, he wasn't there. "Oook..? What the hell Haku? Where are you? I'm gonna kill you, ya jerk!" I yelled loudly before I came out of the cafeteria.. When I walked out, there was a crowd of people standing there. “What are you looking at?!” I glared at them and they spread like fish. I went to my locker pissed. As I was gathering my books for first period, I heard laughing. My heart skipped a beat as I peeked around the corner to see Kiyo laughing with his friends. His back was facing me. “There’s no way that-“ “Kiyo!” just then Naomi came waltzing up and hugged him tightly around his waist. Kiyo casually put his arm around her. I slammed my locker shut and stomped off.

Why was I so upset? It’s not like we’re dating…I was stupid to believe that he liked me like that. He was obviously just being nice, I mean Naomi is beautiful and she’s known him a lot longer than I have…”Diona? Are you still with us?” Everyone turned to look at me. “Huh? Oh yes Ito-san” I said slumping down in my seat. Man, today really wasn’t the day…

            When fifth period finally came around, I got a slight push from Haku. "Where were you?!" We asked at the same time. "I waited for you for like forever!" I yelled getting in his face. He was way taller than me, so I know I looked pitiful, but I didn't care. "I said be here early! Not at the crack of dawn!" He yelled back. I turned around so that my back was facing him and crossed my arms. "Well maybe you should be more specific." He was silent for a second. "Hey..I'm sorry…we'll just have to reschedule…how about after school..?" I sighed.. "Fine.." "Cool.." He said and started to walk away. "Oh and hey Diona?" He turned walking backwards. "Don't be late." I glared at him and mouthed a few choice words. He laughed and turned to walk away.

Dinnea's POV: I had a major headache waking up this morning, it was like my head was about to explode. Getting up I looked at the clock. 5:30"Why the hell is it so early in the morning?" I groaned from the lack of sleep and a dying headache. Sucking it up I decided to go ahead and take a shower to get ready for school. When I was done I tried to keep myself busy with listening to music before time to go. Finally thinking I had time to relax, Diona comes bustling into my room like she was in a hurry. "Ready to go?" Ready to go?! Looking at the clock it was only 6:30. Uhhh….no, but none the less I followed her lead even though I was pretty sure that all of this had to do with Kiyo. Shaking my head I tried hard not to smile. After we got there, she quickly said goodbye and ran off in a hurry. Ok then…

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