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Odette is at her doctors office, she wants a new prescription for birth control. She has for fill out a questionaire.

A year ago what was your primary form of birth control?

Loveatraca generic

How effective would you consider it?


Is there anything you would change about it?


Why did you change birth control methods?

lover left me

what is your current method of birth control?

Socially awkward.

How effective would you consider it?


Is there anything you'd like to change about it?

make it less effective.

What type of birth control are you interested in?

Oral contraceptive.

Why are you changing birth control methods?

No longer single.

She thinks about erasing the answers and being more serious, she decides to leave them as there are, considering they're the truth.

The doctor smirks as she reviews her answers and writes her a prescription. She says it's good that she wants birth control and that hopefully it will help her gain wait. Odette smiles politely and takes the slip with the name of some pill that she doesn't recognize. She thinks her doctor is a bitch and considers throwing away the prescription. Ethan won't want to have sex with her if she gains weight.

Odette knows that isn't true. She has gained ten pounds since starting her "recovery". She cried about it and Ethan made her break all the scales in the house. It was a sweet gesture. He's threatened a similar fate for all mirrors. She really does love Ethan.

After she finishes the errands she is sitting on the couch. She smiles remembering how last night started. She thinks about watching an old season of Fear Nights, but before she can decide which season to marathon while Ethan is at work, Drew texts her.

"Come see me."

She rolls her eyes, she knows he probably meant to put a question mark, but the period gives her an eerie feeling. It's too dominant, too much of a command to seem friendly. So she goes with her gut and types

"Can't. too busy. Maybe next time?"

She erases that and writes.

"Maybe later. I'm caught up at the doctors office."

It's a simple lie. No big deal, she figures he'll never know she was otherwise occupied with watching a tv show he hates. She misses Betsy while she watches it, yet also feels like Betsy's spirit is with her, lusting over Leon.

She does not notice Drew's car parked at the beachfront. Is blissfully unaware that he's watching her from his vehicle and planning more punishments for her.

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