Odette Again

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Odette was laying on her bed smiling at the memory of Ethan's performance. She rolled onto her stomach and groaned. She was conflicted. She wanted to forgive Ethan. Forgive wasn't the right word because Ethan possibly didn't do anything wrong.

If she was going to be honest with herself, and despite the futility of lying to herself she often tried to, she knew she was just looking for excuses to push Ethan away.

Beautiful Ethan, with his warm brown eyes soulful and kind. Soft brown hair, long enough to almost hang into them. And his big mouth, large lips, goofy grin.

As Ethans' rendition of The Drifters' "There goes my baby" ended she bolted up to her room before he could see her. Ethan was using an unfair advantage, when they were best friends she had told him almost everything. One night during a sleepover, they were having a marathon of her favorite 80s & 90s films. She remembered the way he laughed when she divulged her secretly desire to be serenaded in front of a crowd.

The only thing she hadn't told him about was the monster. She was glad that he didn't know about Anthony, but she also felt bad. If he had known about Anthony, he'd probably understand why she was pushing him away.

Maybe he'd understand, she wasn't completely sure why she was pushing him away. She was well aware that if Ethan gave up on being her friend, she'd be devastated but if he didn't give up she wasn't sure she'd give in.

In one hand she held her favorite blade, and in the other her cell phone.

She wanted to call Ethan but she also wanted to cut.

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