Funeral Part 1

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Ethan wakes up with Odette in his arms. He silently hopes to spend the rest of his life waking up like this. He holds her tighter. Today is going to be terrible. Today is the day Betsy is to be buried. He hopes he can somehow make it better for her. He knows his presence is not enough.

He watches as Odette dresses. He can't help but appreciate the way her bra cradles her breasts. He wants to have sex with her, has been wanting to for quite some time. He refuses to do it anytime soon though, he hates the thought of the first time he gets to be inside her to be tainted with sadness. He almost fears that everything with Odette will be tainted with sadness, but he can't let himself think that way.

She wears a short black dress. There are visible bruises on her legs and her knobby knees shake. He wonders where the bruises come from. She sighs loudly, he looks up at her with questions in his eyes. "Today is the day I have been dreading all night." she clarifies with a wry smile. She's smiling with self depreciation because that's the same thought she thinks every night.

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