Party Problems.

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At the height of the shindig, Ethan couldn't take it anymore. He stumbled outside with a bottle of tequila in hand. He lay on the private section of beach that was his backyard, and gazed upwards at the stars.

Et had been dancing provocatively with the guy from that movie that he only half remembered. Ethan didn't like the ache that sight caused in his stomach, or the way his heart clenched.

He wasn't sure how long he was outside before Et approached him but he knew it could not have been long. She stood over him and he pulled her down. He stayed on his back while she straddled his hips. She giggled and stole a swig from his bottle.

" I have a present for you." She said in a singsong. She reminded him of a disney princess who was trying to masquerade as a commoner in her hole ridden jeans and midriff showing tank top. She must have lost her sweater he mused as she pulled out a joint and his favorite zippo.

His eyes widen at the view, he could have sworn his lighter was in his pocket. She lit the joint, inhaled intensely, before passing it to him.

"Who is Christine?" Odette whispered.

Ethan looked confused until he realized she was talking about the tattoo on his right bicep, that was currently hidden behind is brown cardigan.

"My mom." He answered.

"Why is your mom's name tattooed on your body?" She laughed.

"She's really important to me."

"That's really sweet, or maybe a little creepy. I have this thing about guys who love their moms too much." She said shaking her head. "That's not really fair to all the other important women in your life. What if you have a daughter?" She added.

"I'll get her name tattooed." He replied as if it was the most obvious of answers.

"Will Xana be getting a spot on your body any time soon?" She asked.

"No." he laughed.

They layed together, snuggled on the beach. Giggling at everything and nothing. Odette ran her hands up and down Ethan's chest continuously. She shivered slightly when a beach breeze blew. Ethan immediately draped his cardigans around her shoulders.

Odette smiled and sniffed the fabric, and smiled warmly. "This smells just like you. That makes me feel safe ya know." She confessed. Ethan kissed her cheek "I'm glad, you are safe with me. I love you." He said with a slight slur and a voice extra deep and rough from tiredness.

She sloppily kissed his cheek and ran her fingers through his brown hair, she adored the way his fringe fell into his eyes. "I love you too Ethan, it's hard though." She responded.

"Why is it hard to love me?" He asked sitting up.

"Because it's scary. What if you stop wanting to be my friend? What if it's not worth the risk?" She said, Ethan was pretty sure that she was only being this honest because she was high.

"Love is always worth the risk." He answered, suddenly sure of not only his words but of what he had to do next. He was in love with Odette, he needed to show her that, he needed to be with her.

But before he was able Xana stomped out, posh posse in tow.

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