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Odette thinks about hanging herself from the ceiling beam she's gazing up at, The Virgin Suicides style, but she hasn't got any rope and she has stay awake. Thanks to her fairly ridiculous anxieties, high school health classes, and a flatmate who is a recovering smack freak, she's worried that Ethan will vomit in his sleep and choke to death on it.

She's still really angry and hurt. She wants to hate Ethan, she really was to hate him. But there is something about a guy crying and calling his mom, that is pretty unhateable. She looks over at Ethan as he lays on his side upon Drew's corduroy futon. She pushes his hair off his forehead. He's sweaty and a tad clammy. She's worried he is alcohol poisoned.

Odette also wants to forgive Ethan. She's just too scared to let herself. When he wakes up and she's sure he's okay, she'll go home and cut. She knows that how relieved she is at the thought of deeply slitting her skin should frighten her. It doesn't.

Even now, she doesn't fully believe that everything Ethan said was a lie. She thinks that maybe Xana was making it up. That's why she can't let Ethan back in. She refuses to risk it. "Fuck love." She quietly says to herself.

Ethan stirs and mumbles. Odette holds her breath. He doesn't wake up. She continues to look at him and stroke his face while she cries.

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