Dinner and Odette

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Odette spent another busy day working at the cafe below her home. With special permission from Lindsay they closed the shop at seven and locked up. Betsy went to spend time with whatever guy she had been catting around with lately.

Odette arrived at Ethan's house with grocery bags in hand. She wanted to make him dinner. She figured they could have a fun movie night and relax, hoping for something more pleasant than discussing her ex boyfriend.

Ethan opened the door with a laugh, hugging Odette and helping her carry in the food supplies. Odette made fresh Lemonade and rice pilaf while Ethan grilled salmon.

The meal was delicious, Ethan was slightly surprised that Odette could cook so well. He watched as Et as she ate. He was glad to see her taking care of herself. He wanted Odette for as long as he could have her.

After they finished eating and cleaning up they sat on Ethan's couch. She picked up one of the many remotes that lay on the coffee table in front of them. She hit play and music began to blast from the speakers around the room. Odette jumped, startled by the loud sounds. Ethan heartily chuckled.

Odette realized she recognized the music when she calmed down.

"And the sky was made of amethyst And all the stars look just like little fish You should learn when to go You should learn how to say no,"

She began to sing along

"Go on, take everything Take everything I want you to Go on, take everything Take everything Take everything I want you to

And the sky was all violet I want it again, but violent, more violence Well, I'm the one with no soul One above and one below"

When the final chords of the song blared out, she turned the volume down. Moving to face Ethan she said "You a big hole fan?" Ethan nonchalantly shrugged. "I tried to get into them, For Kurt ya know." he stated reasonably.

That was something she adored about Ethan, he was very grunge even though the 90s were long over. He had a deep appreciation for alternative music and other counter cultures. Odette didn't know many guys who listened to her rants on feminism and politics. The best part was, Ethan often agreed with her.

Odette wasn't entirely sure where she stood with Ethan though. When she had been refusing to speak to him she had sometimes wondered if he sneaked into her loft and unraveled her at night, because when he isn't around she always seems to wake up in bits and pieces, glued together only by thoughts of him.

When she hadn't been speaking to him, even though she hadn't herself for it and never would have admitted it at the time but she would lay in her bed, alone with her thoughts of Ethan, touching herself.

Right now her and Ethan were alone and she, as she so often found herself when Ethan was involved, was conflicted. Part of her wanted to lean over and kiss Ethan, let him do the things she did to herself at night, but she was hesitant to. She wasn't sure if she was ready to be that vulnerable with anyone. Not even Ethan.

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