Chapter 18 [Edited]

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Rey's POV

Today we set out to destroy what's left of the resistance, after we came back from our honeymoon two months ago we began to train clones to our exact liking. We have an army of FN clones ready at our disposal and we continue to make the clones so we have an endless amount. We perfected the process of making the clones so growth and training only take three weeks rather than what it used to be.

It's quite interesting really how one can speed up the natural process of growth and learning to such a short time, what should take normal human years only take a few weeks for a clone. The only thing that scares me is the faces, the face of someone I used to know and trust but now I'll have to eventually kill once we no longer need gene samples from him. FN-2187 was the man I used to trust until I truly opened up my eyes. And then there's Poe, Leia, Han, and all the others who tried to bring their definition of peace.

Back at the matter at hand, we found their remaining bases and we are ready to infiltrate the last one.

*time skip*

It was time to infiltrate the first base, nowhere left to hide and very few for them to call. The majority of the galaxy was under our control except for the few places the resistance had taken over.

Kylo nods to me and we storm in. Their leader of the base comes toward us with a blaster and a few buddies.

"The First Order wants you dead," A Officer of ours announces.

"We can see that," The leader retorts.

"Enough with the chit-chat, let the party begin," I said annoyed.

"Only you would think a killing spree is a party," Their leader announced before charging at me, he managed to tackle me because I was taken by surprise.

Now laying on the ground he threw my saber ten feet away but that's not the only weapon, I have tricks up my sleeve. I shoved him off and kicked him back for good measure making him stumble a little. I looked around to her what else was happening and saw pretty much everyone else engaged in a battle except for the people running away just be to shot down.

I looked back to the situation on hand, used the force to bring my saber to me, and charged at him. I ignited my saber and he blocked it with a stolen vibro-weapon. I detached the other end of the double-sided blade to make it into two sabers and maimed his chest.

"How does it feel to know that the least of the resistance will end soon, how does it feel to know you have no one to call?" I taunted trying to anger him. He was laying on the ground due to the injury.

"You don't know anything little girl playing boss," He said. I took one of my sabers and impaled his chest ending him. I reattached the sabers and turned them off.

I chopped his head off as well for a trophy to show the weak resistance that had become of their leader. I held it high letting everyone get a look at what happened.



"We don't stand down to murders." One shouted,

"Then so it be," I said "Kill him,"

A First Order executioner quickly beheaded him.

"LET HIM BE A EXAMPLE OF WHAT IS TO COME," I yelled before charging into battle once more.

Time skip

Once the battle was over we boarded the ships and took a count of who died before giving orders to add more troops to squads.

On to the next base.

A/N Hope this chapter was ok, let me know if you guys have any suggestions of what you guys want to read.

By his side(Reylo)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang