chapter 10 [Edited]

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Rey's POV

"Who is breaking in"I snarl.

"What's left of the resistance," Hux (Carrot) Said.

"There shouldn't be a resistance left to break in!" I yelled charging down the hallway.

"Calm down," Kylo said. 

"No I will not calm down, there are intruders!" I said then I took a few deep breaths steading my heart rate as we approached the right-wing.  

"You stop right there!" I yelled once I got to where the intruders were.

They turned around and what happened shouldn't have happened. They were Finn, Poe, Rose, and BB8. 

"None of you should be alive," I said perplexed.

"We hired people to take our place until everything calmed down, clearly you took the bait," Poe said angering me. I screamed and let out a force blast from my body,(something I hadn't done before) knocking everyone ten feet back except for Kylo who had used the force to keep his ground.

"Lock them up!" I screamed and stormtroopers scrambled to grab them. 

"This won't be the end! The resistance will win!" Rose shouted as they got pulled down a hallway. 

"This is not how tonight was supposed to go," Kylo groaned into his hand. 

"I know I know, but what matters is that we have each other and the first order, we will crush them and rule," I said wrapping my arms around him. 

"let's just agree we will not stop until we have reached our goal," I whispered wishing we could go back to ten minutes earlier when everything was blissful and perfect.

"Your right we can't let surprises get in the way of what matters, bringing peace to the galaxies," He whispered back. 

"I'm sorry to interrupt but the prisoners are asking to speak to the both of you," an officer said making me moan in frustration.

"Can't we just have one moment to us, just one!" I yelled suddenly mad.

"Let's just go see what they want," Kylo said taking my hand.

A/N: Another short chapter and a cliff hanger. What do Finn, Rose, and Poe want?

Until next time! 

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