Chapter 13 [Edited]

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Kylo's POV

I woke up to shouting down the hall, "let me go!" I heard from what sounded like Poe.

I shook Rey awake and as soon as we got decent (not looking like we got out of bed) we left the room the see what all the commotion was.

Indeed it was Poe trying to get to our room for who knows why.

"What are you doing here?" I demanded when we stepped out of our room.

"I want to bring peace to the galaxy, that starts with her," Poe said pointing to Rey.

"What was your plan with me," Rey demands.

"To turn you," he said in a duh tone.

Anger was building up as I heard words slither from his mouth.

Rey just brought up her lightsaber and beheaded him without a word before dismissing us.

Rey's POV

Dear lord he was, annoying. I thought to myself as I walked down the hall. I went to an office and had the guards let no one in. Time to plan a wedding, but where do I begin. I contacted the only female I trust. Phasma.

"Your excellence what do you need," she asked once she arrived.

"No need for such formal words just need to plan a wedding." I
Sighed nervous at the later half.

Two hours later all we have done is the theme and venue area. What we have left is, date, dress, people, food.

"We'll work on this tomorrow same time," I said standing up.

"Yes," Phasma said before leaving.

A/N: total filler but necessary to get the ball moving, I'm going to work on certain themes to the character so she won't be this soft too much longer.

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