Chapter 6 [Edited]

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Rey's POV

He leads me to the interrogation room where he interrogated me when we first met. A sweet gesture is you ask me, meeting places are always special.

"Awe! Kylo!" I squealed kissing his while admiring the setup. It was a simple round table with white cloth on it in the middle of the room. On the table was two plates with silver domes covering the food, and beside that was two wine glasses and a bottle of wine on ice.

"Let's sit shall we?" He asked pulling out a chair for me before sitting down himself.

"Wow, this is so nice! Thank you so much, my love!" I exclaimed once we do sit down.

"Of course, if I can give you the galaxy I can give you this, my queen," he said smirking before pulling the lid off the plate that sat in the in front of me.

Under the lid was a mixture of steak, potatoes, lots of veggies, and so much more, the plate could probably feed like five people but since we both eat a lot this was perfect for us.

We dug in stealing glances and kisses every now and then. I could hear footsteps nearing but I ignored it just to find that Hux had to ruin the fun...

"My supreme leaders, you're presence is urgent." He said making us glare at him but following him anyway.

Down in the training area there was Luke Skywalker standing there and no one dared to talk to or touch him.

"What the hell!" I exclaimed once I saw him.

"Kario Ren or should I dare say Rey of Jakku?" He questioned daring me to say something giving me his famous look.

"Rey is gone only Kario will remain," I said eyes narrowed pissed that the name hurt so much even after all this time.

"Kario what a interesting name, doesn't it mean victory? The victory I thought you would bring us to when I trained you, victory of bringing Ben home to my dear twin like we hoped." Luke said as if I was I fallen Jedi but I was never close to being one he hardly did any training with me.

"I was never a Jedi, besides you barely even helped!" I said mad. By now we had walked to two yards away from him. 

In blind rage I ignited my saber and stabbed him just to find that it did nothing, I tried a few more time and nothing! I had even tried to hit him with a object him and nothing. Kylo tried as well and he is still standing. 

"I'll destroy you, and all the other force sensitive!" I yelled.

"And when the time comes even you're own children?" He questioned knowing he struck a nerve.

"Are you mad! No!" I said wishing he really was here so I could slice and dice him. And besides we hadn't even talked about kids. Kids weren't really a first order thing but...

"Well kid see ya around," Luke said interrupting my thoughts.

I stood in silence before walking back to our date room. Kylo entered a few minutes later.
I kept thinking about the kids part... the first order is no place for children but Naboo is...

"My love... what's wrong." Kylo asked worry laced in his words.

"Kids... do we even want kids?" I asked not even looking at him.

"To have a kid would be the most wonderful thing in the world, once we conquer Naboo when are ready we should raise them there." He said knowing just what I was thinking and making me feel so much better.

"Oh Kylo you know exactly what I want," I said letting him read my mind no secrets left.

"I love you," he said

"I know," I replied kissing him.

"Where were we?" He said after a moment.

"Eating but I think we can skip dinner to desert." I said not referring to the literal desert they had brought out.

"This works too..." he said noticing the sweet treats in the table.  We dug into the desert even though we thought about each other instead...

"Thank you for this date," I said kissing him.

"Of course my queen my love." He replied deepening the kiss bringing me closer.

He began to guide me to the wall pushing me against it and kissing on my neck and then lower and lower, his hands roamed around while I clawed at his back. A/N: ok that's enough I think we can all image what happens later.

We ended up back in our room cuddling after. I thought about how sweet he was during the date how gentle he was during more intimate moments how he made me feel special and loved something I never before meeting him. I though about how I could easily reach in his mind to see if he really loved me our not if he was using me and I already knew he loved me as in really loved every part of me.

Ben's POV

As I laid with the one I truly love the girl who made me feel like me . Rey always made me feel something on,y a true lover could make one feel. She always made sure that what I was doing was for the good of the galaxy. Which it is.

We are bringing order and peace something the rebel scums always try to disrupt saying we are terrorizing forcing others into submunition. How I see it is that we are bringing justice by completing what Darth Vader could not due to weakness created by his son. It all started with his fears of loosing my grandmother but I have what I need in my arms.

I brought my thoughts around to having  children with her, to have a child with her would have the most wonderful thing she could give me, nothing could compare to knowing I and the one I love most made another being.

Rey's POV

The next morning we got up and started to conquer even more villages gin involved me the satisfaction that I needed. To be in power and instill fear into those lesser of me. It's felt good to make others bow down to me a higher being who could control the force of nature.  It felt good to me that the most powerful man in the galaxy is mine, no one else can do what I do to him, tell him what I tell him, and make him do things like no other.

A/n/: alright that's the chapter.

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