Chapter 1 [edited]

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Rey's POV

He held out his hand and I hesitated but everything in my heart wanted me to take it, to give in to the dark side to rule with him. 
And so I did, I grabbed his hand.  He pulled me close and sealed the deal with a kiss but a soft one. I kissed back deepening it, holding him close.

"What is going on in here?!" Someone shouted making us jump apart like the other person was fire suddenly.

Hux stood at the door gaping at us like we had three heads each, he also noticed the very dead ex-supreme leader behind us and glared at us.

"None of your business, and now I'm supreme leader so you will listen to me," Kylo shot at him bringing me close once more.

"And what about her?!" His added pointing an accusing finger at me.

"She will be with me ruling with me! She will be regarded the same respect I shall have, she is also now a supreme leader." Kylo said. I could feel he was ready to explode so I kissed he cheek to calm him down. Thankfully it worked, we had enough death for one day. Who am I kidding I don't care.

"Rey!!" I heard as Finn and some other random people went by being lead by some stormtroopers.

"FN-2187 bring him to me" I said Kylo motioned him over and the stormtroopers did just that.

"Rey what are you doing?!" Finn asked confused and scared not to mention probably thinking we are on his side boy is he wrong.

"Just doing what I want to do. Now what are you doing here?!" I growled standing above him.
Kylo brought me close once more holding my hand this time.

"Did he brainwash you?" Finn asked looking at Kylo now not even answering my

"No just doing what I think is best." I was truly glad to follow what my heart and what my head wanted. It was pitiful that I ever was on the side of the resistance such weak minded fools.

"To regard your question I was saving the resistance thank you very much" Finn said smartly.

"Take him away, he is force sensitive so put force cuffs on him." I said wanting him out of my sight. I knew that Finn would try to use the force to get out but with new tech the part of the brain that is able to harness the force will be unresponsive.

Kylo lead me to this balcony type this and announced what would happen for now on saying he was supreme leader and so was I and stuff.
I would also be getting knight of ren training as well.
And soon I would be known to the public and Kario Ren. We wanted it to be similar to Kylo due to him being my partner in several ways.

That night when we laid in bed we discussed what we wanted to do for the rest of our lives.

A/n: so it's probably not exactly what you thought it would be. Probably thought more of her still has light in her.
If that's what you wanted this isn't the story for you it's what I wanted to happen instead so yeah.

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