Bounus chapter

261 5 3

Totally didn't take four or five months...
My writing style may have changed so yeah.
Blair's POV

Today is my 20th birthday. Time to prove to everyone that I am ready to lead the Empire and follow the legacy my parents founded. I would fight the knights of Ren, gain my new name, and step up to lead the empire.

I grabbed my weapon of choice, making my way to the arena that this would take place in.

I faced the 7 knights ready to prove myself, I was born for this, I was made for this, literally, I was born as the heir to the dominion. If I dont succeed one of my brothers will be assumed emperor, but I will succeed and I will be empress. The notion is to prove that I can defend the empire when it's needed.

To be honest I was scared, really scared. This is the best of the best, and in truth, I didn't want to fight my parents, but this is a part of my story, and everyone will know this fight to the second they will know if I succeed if I don't, who gets hurt, who is fine, every detail will be taught to school children for years. And if I don't succeed then I get to like the fact that I failed, myself, the empire, and worse, my parents.

I looked at my mother in the eyes and saw what I felt hope. I used that hope and charged her straight on, using my red lightsaber I striked her letting her block before pushing down and striking again, she uses the force to hold me off as one of the nights then engages in battle as well. We go back and forth for a while before I gain the upper hand of course that doesn't go without injury, he did a number on me before I use the force to choke him out letting him pass out against a wall.

I then move back to the rest changing another knight I see her eyes under the helmet widen in fear as I ready my saber Kylo Ren style, before making a wide swing and bringing it back down on the knight. The knight barely blocks before I come close enough to engage hand to hand and bring my elbow down knocking out that one too. Alright two down five more to go, easy, I hope, not really. I know it won't be, but I hope I have the fortitude to do this. I closed my eyes for a second feeling the air around me, listening to their breathing, their heartbeats, their footsteps. I open my eyes and charge right at both my parents. I strike my blade at my father letting him block, quick as I can I disarm him which wasn't that quick. As soon as the weapon is out of his hands I strike again cutting his cape as he dodges.

I turn myself to face him going to strike again he then uses the force to throw me off, I skid to a halt face full of determination. Racing at my father again I slide myself knocking him off his feet giving me the advantage. I strike my lightsaber again letting it clash with his as we began to go back and forth sparks flying sweat dripping. I ultimately get close enough where I knock him out and scramble back on my feet.

I whip towards my mother as she then ignites her saber letting me come to her.

She takes notice of my stance and gets ready in a defensive position. I make a skyward strike surprising her as she jumps back parries with me making a dance across the arena. Sparks fly and sweat drips as we dance across the room while the nebula watches. It was a dangerous but elegant dance as we parried around trying to gain the upper hand. And for about half a second she had the upper hand but with a quick duck and kick, I swept her off her feet. We struggled on the floor for a good two minutes before triumph came out and she was also now being carried out of the room.

Just three more to go and I decide to take all of them at once. I advance to them swiftly and motion for them to attack. All three take to the opening to attack swiftly just to find that it wouldn't be so easy. No why would I engage all three If I didn't think I could take them. I gracefully fight back with even more energy and sureness.  I darted around the room looking for weakness, accessing their stances, how they breathe, where their eyes dart, just about everything. I finally find something, a gap, two off hands on the same side, harder to block when one had a left hand and the other had a right hand creating a weakness. I charge through the gap tripping both of them up and slide to face all three again. I quickly use my boot to knock the one to my right out by slamming my heel to the side of his head. I smirk as the one to my left scrambles up and squares up again.

It's funny how they think they can defeat me. I grab onto the cape of the one to my left and throw him into the other knight knocking them both out and giving me victory.

(I rushed the end of the fight it took me like three months, simply because of procrastination)
When everyone woke up I was given proper congratulations from everyone. But my parents were the most meaningful.
I was also given my knight of Ren name Domino, meaning lord. It was exciting since the name had been chosen before I was born.
I smiled at the crowd and cameras as I finish swearing to the Empire, one that would last.

(OK I totally cut the ending short sorry.)

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