Boats and Bikinis (gen-bend)

Start from the beginning

"Surgeon." Lou said as if it were the most casual thing ever.

"What about you Nia?" Harley asked picking up a piece of potato.

"I am a professional dancer." Nia beamed proudly.

"Stripping is not an occupation idiot." Lou rolled her eyes. The other girls widened their eyes in surprise.

"I do not strip, you whore. I work for the New York City Ballet."

"Wow, they're really exclusive. We should see you perform one day." Zoe suggested. All six girls agreed and made a promise to go see Nia's next show.


After dinner, the girls went to their rooms with whoever they shared it with. So, Lily and Zoe went one way, Nia and Sarah went another, and Lou and Harley went a third.

Lou liked Harley. She admired her height, her hair, and the dimples she had when she smiles.

Harley liked Lou. She admired how sassy she was, how curvy her hips were and how her soft voice was.

The two were about to go to bed when they realized that there was only one bed. they blushed then went to their respective side of the king-sized mattress.

"Good night, Lou." Harley said quietly.

"Goodnight Harley." Lou whispered back. The both of them quickly fell asleep and dreamed of beautiful dreams. Or so they thought. Lou woke up to the sound of coughing and retching coming from the bathroom. It took her a minute to realize what was happening in her groggy state, but soon Lou was getting up and going over to the bathroom. When she got there, she found Harley hunched over the toilet.

"Harley? Are you okay?" Lou spoke sleepily. Harley only let out a pained groan in response.

"No. I think I got seasick." She groaned, not taking her head out of the toilet bowl. Lou noticed her hair start to fall in her faced as she started coughing and dry heaving again.

"Let me tie up your hair for you. Then I'll sit here with you until you feel better." Lou said and that's exactly what she did. Lou sat on the edge of the bathtub and rubbed Harley's back until she was no longer pale faced.

The next morning

Lou tells Lily and Zoe of Harley's restless night. They tend to her needs, which aren't much then tell everyone to get their bathing suits because they're going to be arriving at Zoe's family beach. The girls all excitedly squealed then ran back to their rooms to put on their favorite bathing suits.

 The girls all excitedly squealed then ran back to their rooms to put on their favorite bathing suits

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"Looking good girls." Nia complemented.

"We're totally the hottest girls on the beach." Sarah looked around. The other five nodded their heads in agreement as they walked off the boat ramp. After agreeing to meet up at a restaurant for lunch, Lily and Zoe went one way while the other four went to the beach.

"Look Lou, that guy's totally staring at you!" Harley said referring to a guy and his friends sitting on the sand a few yards away from them. Nia and Sarah both gave a sneaky look to see who she was talking about. The guy was decent looking with short brown hair, medium sized muscles, and was kinda tall. If Lou was straight, she would have cared.

"He can keep staring cause I'm not interested." Lou said with a slight smirk.

"Why don't you tell him that? Him and his friends are coming over." Sarah said. Lou rolled her eyes and put her sunglasses on to face the thundering herd of testosterone coming towards them.

"Hey ladies," the blond one spoke. "My friends and I noticed you all sitting here and wanted to come over and tell you how hot you look." 

"Well then you've wasted your time because we already know that we look good." Sarah said sassily. The other girls giggled at their friend.

"I'm sorry about my friend, we told him not to say that. Hi, I'm Ethan. The idiot flirt is Tyler. This is Brian, and that's Cameron." the guy who was staring at Lou said.

"It's okay. He's slightly more entertaining that the mosquitoes." Lou rolled her eyes again.

"Don't be mean, Bitch." Nia scolded. Lou just gave her the finger and a fake smile.

"I'm Harley. The blond one is Nia, the unamused one is Sarah, and the sassy one is Lou."

"Nice to meet you all." the Brian guy said.

"Can't say the same for you." Lou peaked over her sunglasses.

"I'm sure you don't mean that." Ethan said with a smirk.

"You want to see how serious I am?" Lou asked getting defensive.

"Calm the fuck down, dumbass." Sarah said. Lou just crossed her arms looking really annoyed.

"So, we were wondering if you'd like to go get lunch with us? You know, Like a date?" Cameron asked.

"No." Lou said.

"Aww, come on, why not?" Ethan asked.

"I'm gay, pretty unfortunate isn't it, Ethan?" Lou sassed. Ethan looked somewhat deflated.

"Yeah, I'm not interested. I'm gay too." Harley said and Tyler looked a bit deflated as well.

"What about you two?" Brian asked. 

"Nah, no thanks. I can't leave me girls." Nia said. 

"Hmm, let me ask my boyfriend." Sarah sassed again.

"Wow, that's definitely disappointing." Tyler said. The four guys walked away defeated, and the girls started to laugh the whole situation


After enlightening Lily and Zoe of their afternoon during lunch, the girls got back on their yacht and relax with one another until it's time for bed.

Lou climbed in one side while Harley climbed in the other but neither of them could get to sleep.

"Hey Lou?" Harley asked in a hushed tone.

"Hm?" Lou hummed.

"Is it true what you said on the beach? You're lesbian?" Harley asked.

"Yep. Is that true for you too? You're also lesbian?" Lou asked turning over to face the girl next to her.

"Not entirely. I'm actually bi. But they didn't need to know that." They giggled a little. "And anyway, I have my eye on someone else." Harley finished.

"Oh really? Tell me about them." Lou asked a bit more interested.

"Well, they're a she, she's a bit short, she's sassy, and has the most beautiful blue eyes I've ever seen. She's not afraid to speak her mind and be 100 percent honest with anyone, and although we just met, I feel like we have a real connection. And I hope she feels the same way." Harley said with a smile. Lou automatically knew she was talking about her. of course, she feels the same way. "Do you have anyone you fancy?" Harley asked.

"Yeah, I do. She's tall, intelligent, beautiful, funny, and an all-around joy. I just met her and somehow feel like we've known each other for years. She's sweet with a sneaky side and has the most gorgeous, and biggest green eyes I've ever seen, and the most amazing brown hair that I've ever seen." Lou finished, smiling like a madwoman. "Oh, and the girl you like, I'm sure she likes you too."

"You do? I mean... She does?" Harley asked excitedly. Lou giggled then kissed Harley on her nose softly.

"Yes, I do." Lou smiled. Harley smiled back and pulled Lou in for a kiss. The kiss was sweet, innocent, and pure. They both smiled when they pulled away. 

The two girls had soon made a relationship on that boat. They made a relationship, because of boats and bikinis.

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