"Stand aside, Tomoe."

"The order has been given, Captain."

"Stand aside or by heaven I'll cut you down as well."

Now Chizu handed the rope that held Kagemaru to another Ninja and stepped forward, with her own hand on her blade, ready to defend her General even against a man she cared the world for. There came a deathly silence on that ground. Even the wind, which had howled like mad only seconds before had vanished. Everyone wanted the Shadow Lord dead. But no one was prepared to sacrifice their General for it. But she remained resolute. And soon that sentiment included Usagi and he stepped back, with tears in his eyes. Tomoe took a breath. And then turned to Masamune. For his part he offered no emotional response. He wasn't the sort of man to crow when he had been given a reprieve. Better that he had died, in fact and would have felt some pride in that death administered by such a man as Usagi. It was fitting. But such was the will of the gods. He did stand at his full height, once he noticed Tomoe approaching.

"I am General Ame Tomoe of the Geishu and supreme commander of the combined armies of Lord Yasuhira and Lord Noriyuki. You were defeated by my strategies, Lord Masamune. By the will of my lords your life has been spared, but this battle and the war was won by me."

Tomoe suddenly drew her sword and with one upward stroke slashed the right side of Masamune's face. He fell to the ground with a great cry and clutched at the wound with both hands. Tomoe stood over the man and slowly sheathed her sword.

"That is so you never forget."

She turned back to the Lords and other men. They felt little consolation with her actions. But Yasuhira had spoken and the war was fought in his name. So it was his prerogative. Though Tomoe was unsure as to the reasoning, as no doubt even the Shogun would not be that averse to seeing Masamune's head on a spike. Yasuhira could feel, as much as see, Tomoe's quandary and frustration. He wondered if he had the right words to assuage her feelings.

"I'm sure you've asked yourself how it was possible that such a host was able to approach without us noticing. Even before the battle, their movements would have been discovered by our scouts," He took a breath, "And yet here they are," He leaned in, "You of all people understand all the forces at work during this war," Suddenly, Yasuhira looked up to the top of the main Keep where the heavens met, "I fear the battle is not yet over."

Tomoe hadn't followed his eyes, but rubbed her own, "I understand, Yasuhira. I understand all too well in fact," She let out a cry, which settled her slightly, "I shall go forth and meet with the Shogun," Yasuhira was about to protest, when Tomoe raised her hand to stop him, "As I just said this is my war. I won it. So it is right and proper that I meet the Shogun. Is that not so?"

Yasu could only nod.

Tomoe turned to Noriyuki, "Tono?"

All he was capable of doing was to throw up his hands in a sign of defeat. Everything was beyond him now, so he wanted to be free of the whole black and bloody business and was already thinking of the journey home. Maybe find his sword again.

"By your leave then," She turned away, "Chizu," The Ninja jumped, "On me."

The woman was beaming, "Yes, General," And she quickly followed Tomoe out.

Yasuhira watched her leave and then turned his eyes skyward once more. Atop the Keep he noticed a figure looking down at him. He took a breath and then turned to his father. His injuries were being tended to by some samurai. In time they had stopped the bleeding. Yasuhira told them to take his father inside the Keep. For a moment father and son looked at one another. But they had no words. There was nothing more to say.

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