Brotherly love :)

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The siblings were all downstairs. It was just them tonight, Mom and Dad had a date night. They for sure wouldn't be back for HOURS. So they were sitting there, Wendy had her pink and blue stuffed kitty and she was laying down. She was wearing pink cup cake patterned pjs.

Connor was in his black and red spiderman pajamas. He was watching tv sitting next to Bradley.

Bradley was in his gray nike sweats and a baggy black hoodie. He was dosing off and he ended up falling asleep on Anthony's shoulder.

Anthony was in black joggers and just a tank top. He was very.. calm.. that night. Which was very strange. He looked at the big chair across from him. There sat Micheal.

Micheal was sitting there on his phone texting his girlfriend, wearing a long red shirt and wearing black boxers.

It was very peaceful.. until..

"Ya know.. its only like 8.. why does everyone look so tired? lets play a game or something.." Anthony said. Micheal sneered.

"Since WHEN do you even wanna so much as TALK to us?!" Micheal laughed loudly. "Anyway what would we do? Also the blondes are asleep."

Anthony frowned and looked at bradley sleeping and leaning on him, and then at Wendy who was basically on top of Connor.

"Oh. It's just very nice tonight.. just us. Kinda wanted to do something fun."

"Yeah, well, we can put little miss cinderella in bed, she doesn't need to be woken up." replied Micheal.

"Okay i'll put her too bed, wake bradley up." Said Anthony as he gently lifted Wendy up and carried her to her purple butterfly patterned room. He laid her on her big princess bed and put her giant heap of stuffed animals next her.

He plugged in her night light and shut off her light. He smiled at her as he seen her rolling around, hugging on to a giant fox plush. He then cracked her door and went back downstairs to see his brothers fighting.

"You're such a goddamn baby!! You act as if you're Wendy's age!!" Bradley yelled at Connor, who had dumped water on him to wake him up. Micheal looked annoyed.

"Connor, why did you do that?"

"We needed him to be awake, so I woke him up since hes very lazy and he didn't wake up when i shook him!" he replied, grinning.

Bradley growled and shoved him to the ground, Connor fell and landed on his back, knocking over the little table that held the small lamp. He instantly started to cry from his fall.

"Bradley!" Micheal yelled.

"I dont care! You would have literally pulverized me if I were too pour water on you to wake you up!" He screamed.

"No, but if Wendy wakes up from your screaming then I will." He replied smugly. "Now apologize to Connor."

"No way! He gave me a rude awakening! Its not my fault hes a little crybaby."

"STOP IT!" Connor cried out.

"Ugh your fine. Just get up and quit whining, and just go to room and sleep." Said anthony.

"FINE!" Connor said as he got up. He walked over to Bradley with teary eyes and punched him with all of his might right in the arm.

"Thats it you little shit." Bradley grabbed him by the back of his shirt and started punching him multiple times in the back. Connor screamed out in pain. Micheal and Anthony instantly broke them up.

"Bradley! What the hell man!" Yelled Micheal. "You're never supposed to hit him that hard!"

"I dont give a flying fuck!!" Yelled Connor "He poured water on me! WHERES HIS PUNISHMENT?!"

Micheal sighed. "He doesnt get one, because you already punched him and hurt him. Just calm down.. he only woke you up because us four were gonna hang out."

"Yeah cranky bitch. You dont have to fucking over react over water. You're literally dry now!" Yelled Anthony

Bradley frowned and looked away. He was tired. He was awake all night talking to
his girlfriend and "exploring his body".. he just wanted some sleep.

"C-Connor I'm sorry.. I was up all night and I was tired. I shouldn't have punched you like that." Bradley said.

"I-Im sorry too.. but it was the only way to wake you up.. a-are we still gonna be able to hang out?" Connor asked, his voice cracking as tears went back in his eyes.

Bradley chuckled at thar. "Of course! We can start right now. Lets play a game or something!" Connor grinned and agreed. The two went upstairs.

Micheal and Anthony looked at each other and smiled.

"So, no punishment for Connor tonight?" Anthony asked.

"Nah. He apologized and those two are having fun. Plus if Wendy wakes up it'll be a punishment for us all." He laughed. Anthony laughed at that too.

Anthony looked down and then frowned, thinking about something. Micheal saw him deep in thought.

"Whats up?"

Anthony took a big breath in. "I dont think i'll ever earn the respect you get from everyone else.."

Micheal frowned. "Huh?"

"The day mom was coming home and you and Wendy were at the store.. a homeless guy broke into the window and Connor was right there.. he was so scared. I-I didn't even know what to do. If you were there.. you would have solved everything."

Micheal was stunned. It didnt make any sense. A homeless guy broke in?! How did that happen.

"Wait.. when I told you about Wendy seeing a homeless guy and how she wanted to help him.. you guys were the ones who gave him money?"

Anthony gulped and nodded. Micheal smiled at him.

"Thats pretty amazing man. You helped out someone who could have died right there and then. I would give you all my respect for that."

Anthony smiled at that. He nodded shyly.

"You set a great example for Connor. I-I can't believe im about to say this to YOU.. but.. im proud. Im really really proud." Micheal said patting his back.

The two stared at each other.. they kept looking until.. they hugged. For the first time in years they hugged each other. It was a great moment.. a lovely sight. They let go of each other and walked upstairs.

"Goodnight bro." Said Micheal.

"Goodnight." Replied Anthony. They went their separate ways through the hallway and walked into their rooms shutting the door.

To be continued...

A/N: Okay for real tho give me ideas. Please lmao.

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