24- Rusame #2 Part 2

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Alfred was standing there, shocked, in full color.

Their eyes locked and Alfred couldn't form a single word.

He was overwhelmed by all the sudden color around him, and the beauty of his soulmate in front of him.

"Alfred? Alf?" He was startled out of his trance when Matthew's hand waved in front of his face. "Huh?" Alfred managed to tear his eyes away and focus on his brother.

"Surprise, dorkus? Are you even in there?" Matt joked and Alfred blushed a deep pink. "Sorry- I- I was caught off guard."

"Well, when I heard that you didn't have any spring break plans I knew I had to crash and I brought my boys."

Alfred jumped when he felt a love tap and he quickly turned to be face to face with Gilbert, who had actual white hair, which shook Alfred almost as much as seeing the fact that his eyes were some sort of strange mixed color. Alfred almost opened his mouth to say what the hell is going on with your eyes they're so cool?

"Miss us, mutterficker?" and Gilbert had an almost too innocent phony smile. "Not anymore," Alfred returned quickly, attempting to cover his ass. He then remembered that his soulmate was in the room and he hadn't even seen him up close or knew his name.

But when he flicked his eyes around to look he found that his soulmate had vanished.


Ivan was freaking out. Big time. Matthew's brother- Alfred- was without a doubt the most attractive person he'd ever come across in his life, and on top of that Matthew's brother was his soulmate.

He had barely had enough time to process what had even happened before he started to feel light-headed. Ivan had made his way to the bathroom to try to get his bearings and that was five minutes ago. Ivan's head was spinning, most of his friends thought that he had his soulmate already, how was he going to try to explain this. Secondly, did it happen to Alfred too? Did Alfred want him too?

Ivan had effectively pushed all thoughts of the possibility of a soulmate out of his mind when he offhandedly lied to his entire group of friends about one of the biggest things in his life and he had never really worried or thought about what he was going to do when the time actually came.

He was thrown out of his thoughts when he heard a knock on the door. "Da?" Ivan replied tentatively.

"Ivan, its Feli, is everything alright?"


"Don't lie to me Ivan, I saw what happened."

"I don't know what you are talking about, Fel."

The knob jiggled.

"Let me in, Ivan."

Ivan took a deep breath and stood up from the ground. Another deep breath later and Feli was inside the bathroom with him, with the door closed again.

"I heard you, and I saw your Alfred's face. I know you all think I'm not the smartest but I picked up on that and it doesn't seem that anyone else did."


"You lied about your soulmate, didn't you?" he didn't say it as a question.

"Well, yes..." Ivan trailed off, "But, you all had yours and I didn't want to-"

"Full stop right now, reasoning doesn't matter right now, your soulmate is out there and you're in here."


"No excuses, Ivan, everyone will understand because we love you. You know us, we're always gonna be here for you. Now, wipe those tears to make way for the new tears of joy you're going to shed when you meet Alfred!" Ivan snorted.

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