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This is one where you see colour.


(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)

     Arthur was used to having no colour, it really didn't bother him. Because Arthur was a bit of a loner, he wasn't good at making friends and when he did he shoved them away. But he didn't care, Arthur thought he didn't deserve them anyway. So Arthur thought his soulmate would hate him too, so he did everything he could to avoid meeting them. Arthur only went out when it was absolutely necessary, he went out to get food and other things when he ran out.

   Arthur believed that he didn't deserve to see colour, it would mean that he would ruin someone else's life. So Arthur didn't want colour, he wanted to isolate himself from the world so he wouldn't hurt anymore, and so he didn't hurt anyone else. Arthur locked himself up in his house and spent all his time on his laptop binge-watching shows and movies, he was currently on season 6 of his fourteenth time watching Supernatural. Arthur hated being alone, it creeped him out that he had nobody. If he was in trouble there was nobody he could call; his parents didn't know how to work phones (and they lived in Brazil and his phone doesn't work long distance) and his brothers didn't speak to him.

   Arthur lived by himself in a small flat in London on the top floor, he was so high up that the building swayed. Arthur also was afraid of the dark and thunderstorms.

  One day Arthur ran out of ramen, so he had to get some more (and he was out of Nutella, so he had to get that too). So Arthur reluctantly pried himself from his position on the couch, (and the 10th episode of season 6 Supernatural) to go to the store. His blanket fell off of him and he whimpered at the loss of warmth, but he needed more ramen. He hadn't had ramen in days, and he was going into withdrawal. He slipped his shoes on and opened the door too see that people were in the hallway, then he remembered, the flat next to his was for sale. The couple that lived there just moved out, and Arthur was very happy about that. Because the couple was very loud at night, and Arthur could barely hear his Netflix over the sounds. Arthur admitted to himself that yes, the German and the Italian were very cute together, but it wasn't cute when you had very thin walls and you could hear everything going on next-door.

  Arthur slipped past all the people looking at the flat and he stepped onto the elevator only to hear the most annoying song he's ever heard. The theme song for Attack on Titan, now don't get him wrong, Arthur watched his fair share of anime, AOT included. But he had heard the theme song one-too-many times, and he just wanted his ramen and Nutella. Thankfully it was a short elevator ride was over and he stopped off the elevator only to bump into the person getting on. "Watch it you bastard!" "Lovi, don't be-" "HE RAN INTO ME!" Arthur quietly and awkwardly backed away from the arguing Spaniard and Italian, he did not want to be a part of that. Arthur didn't have a car because he never went out much anyway, so he walked to the supermarket across the street, he would never be thankful enough for such a short walk for all his necessities; such as ramen and Nutella. Arthur entered the supermarket and it was busy, Arthur scowled and was determined to get out of there as soon as possible.

  He got a few 24 packs of ramen and a few Nutella jars so he wouldn't have to go out anytime soon, and just as he stepped out with his bags it started to pour. "Damn rain," he muttered as he began to shuffle across the street protecting his sweet babies in the bags. He went into his building and the receptionist cheerfully greeted him and he gave a halfhearted mock salute to her as he stepped on the elevator. And just his luck, there were people in the elevator. Arthur rolled his eyes and pressed his floor button, it was a long, uncomfortable, sweaty, quiet ride and he was excited to get off.

   Arthur began to fumble with his keys the second he got off the elevator and he couldn't see them, so he frustratedly pulled his wet, moppy hair out of his face. And as he did that he heard a muffled, "Holy Shit." Arthur looked up and his eyes locked with a set of striking blue ones. "A-Alfred," the man put his hand out for Arthur to shake, but his hands were full. "Just a second," Arthur opened his door, set the bags on the floor in front of the door and turned back to Alfred. "Y- you see colour too right?" And then realisation hit Arthur like a truck, he could see colour. "B-blimey! Of course I-" Alfred jumped happily and clapped his hands. "Well if we're soulmates I want to know your name," "We can't be soulmates." "Why? Do you not like me or-" "I ruin people, and I have Supernatural to watch.." Alfred frowned. "You won't ruin me!" "I ruin everyone." "Just tell me your name," Arthur rolled his eyes but couldn't help but notice how attracted he already was to the American standing before him. He found Alfred surprisingly more attractive than he always thought Misha was. "Arthur-" "I'll call you Artie, okay?" "Wh- No I'm just going to ruin your li-"

  "So be it, if you ruin my life. It would be my pleasure to have my life ruined by you," Arthur stood there with shock on his face. "You mustn't be serious?" "Drop dead serious," Alfred smiled a comforting smile and Arthur rolled his eyes. Maybe going outside wasn't as horrible as it could've been today.

That actually wasn't that bad, I don't complete hate it!

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