She did wore a thick dress with an orange Coat and so as her daughter. It was styled in the Victorian era the time when trading was popular and boost the English Land. As a symbol of prosperity she had to wear the fashion. Bloody fashion as what Phillip told her.

King Charles signaled the servants to bring out a chair for Maria he can clearly see

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

King Charles signaled the servants to bring out a chair for Maria he can clearly see. The vampire was having a hard time with the clothes she wore and add in the growing baby infront of her body. Maria declined and continued to walk until she faced the Andersons.

"Finally thanked God! " she muttered.

"Pleasant day your highnesses. " she bowed as show of respect, she wasn't in Damian's place at the moment.

"I have brought upon gifts and wealth to strengthen our alliances. " Maria smiled.

"We have heard that a coronation of the Anderson Children will be celebrated and I offer upon you behalf of my husband, King Damian Vernengo to have your honor these jewels as your Crown Jewels. "

The servants opened the boxes and shown the Andersons the Jews, the Vampire Kingdom has offered.

"Thank you for your generosity as well, Queen Maria. They will do well. " King Charles smiled and had the servants take the treasures to be put away in his children's room and his to be used.

Laylana wasn't so sure, she wanted to decline the Jewels but her father had Maria in her room without her permission and displayed the jewels as Maria described each color and meaning and who crafted it, how it was made even the quality. It was boring! And she was still mourning of her wolf while Maria was like a grinning bobcat talking to her father as they discussed more on how to maintain the peace.

Though she had to agree, the jewelry presented to her were awfully beautiful no wonder why her father didn't had orders of finding her a crown or Cole because he had already planned it out.

There were six boxes of jewelry that had crowns or tiaras, necklaces, bracelets, brooches, rings, earrings and each had a case.

There were emeralds, amethysts, orange topazs and one bright crown covered in diamonds and round cut emeralds.

(Picture above)

Though one caught her very most, it was a black jewelry and she didn't know what it was made of, tracing her fingers as she observed.

"That is a gift from the King of Lust, Basile Beaumont

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

"That is a gift from the King of Lust, Basile Beaumont. It is made of glass, a typical form of jewelry back then in the Victorian era when women wanted a new style or couldn't afford real gems. Though the King just added that in cause he knew you liked it. " said Maria that she only nodded.

Maria then began talking about the crown that would be used to name Laylana as the Arch Duchess. It was styled like the crown's of Russian princess, a round cut emerald was placed on the middle as several square cut emeralds much smaller than the one in the middle was placed on the sides. It was like something Ariel would wear Laylana thought.

It was designed just how King Charles wanted it to be and he was happy with the result

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

It was designed just how King Charles wanted it to be and he was happy with the result. It would take months for humans or wolves to create marvelous jewelry but only days for Vampires and Demons since they were abundant of it and highly skilled.

"That is one ugly ass crown. " Laylana laughed.

Maria looked at her at surprised then looked at King Charles who was quiet...

Too quiet.

Her father left the room as Maria chased after him. She didn't liked the crown, though the design looked familiar. She slapped her temple when she remembered, the crown was designed after her mother's crown at her wedding though it was smaller and didn't had any other jewels but only diamonds.

A few moments later her father was back with Maria after a long talk.

"You don't like the crown? " he asks

"What? No... It's lovely. " she smiled though her eyes never lied.

"Queen Maria how long does it take to built another crown? " King Charles sighed.

"Five days the less but with Laylana's birthday in two days, I'm afraid we need to borrow a crown. "

"Is there other monarchs happy to lend a hand? " he muttered stressfully. He knew his daughter, if she doesn't like it, she doesn't.

"Let's just say, they don't share. " Maria gave a disappointed smile.

Laylana wanted to punch herself the crown was designed by her father... "Ughhh" she groaned. No wonder why it was manly.

"I can Contact the Queen and Princess of Lust for aid as we also look in mine. King Charles you stay behind as I will bring Rieka along with me as we look for Laylana's crown. You also have to make sure if Cole is okay with your designs of the crown. "

"Okay okay, I knew I should have asked their advice. " her father muttered.

A little while later Rieka came with Lilith as they opened a portal and checked on Maria's jewelry. Talk about it, it's lining on the walls and ground! Laylana did find something she wanted to wear but... It was Damian's mothers tiara so she couldn't have it. Damian loathes her to hell for looking like her great grandmother.

Until they finally find the perfect one, she thought while the orders groaned. For eight hours, finally she decided to pick this crown. It was Sansa's old crown probably when she was still a teenager she couldn't recall. All ends well they found the crown though the entire time Maria never spoke with Laylana as the Princess avoided her.

Cole had no problems with his since his father was a man, it was nothing too fancy or simple. At least Charles got it right with Cole! Well next time he'll put in mind to ask Laylana what she wants.

Howling with the Prince (Book 3 of The Vampire Waltz Collection) حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن