Chapter 45

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For centuries I have long to gain more recognition than my own sister. Princess Adeena of Witches.. SHE WAS MY SISTER! Mother's favorite daughter! 

And me? The unwanted daughter...

Our mother was a lustful fae who wanted to become Queen yet how many times she tried to swooned those with Royal blood, she didn't had the luck. Yet she did had her precious Adeena a promising future with the King of Witches. Yet he didn't made her Queen, she grew furious and cheated with another man thus I was born. The demon she had cheated had multiple lovers that grew jealous of her that she hid me to live with the humans. Abandoned at a young tender age of ten at the orphanage. For years I have adapted that simple life, having a simple job as a cashier in a shop. Unknowing who I really was till I met him.

Sir Basile Beaumont was a promising bachelor with a deep secret. At first glance I was swooned all over this mysterious man, the longer our relationship lasted. The more I became aware of who I was.

War broke out, it was horrible and devastating. The humans invented powerful machines and bombs, at that time I thought I was going to die right after an airstrike occurred yet out of a thousand. I survived, terrified of my own nature. He later revealed to me of who I was and who was Basile Beaumont really was...

I didn't cared who he was, I loved him. We got married and that's when I saw my own mother after years of neglect. She wasn't from royalty but she did had noble fae blood within her. I recalled her steps, my older sister. As a child, I thought I was left at the orphanage yet seeing her face reminded me the bitter truth.

I longed to be the favorite, the greatest. Being Basile's wife has it's perks yet it wasn't enough to gain my mother's attention. Adeena married the ambitions and cruel King Damian Vernengo. The top of the top!

Then Basile informed me of Damian's new marriage of the small and young human Maria Amor Reyes. She wasn't mature enough to make right decisions in her life yet Damian named her Queen. I grew to love and despise her like a child. Lucky girl... I once thought, yet I can see the lustful at his eyes towards her. Years passed and he still looks at her unchanged, seeing his dead wife.

Maria would help me rise in power, I just needed to think I'm on her side and so as my Husband. Once Damian dies, my husband would be King of the Night and I'll finally have my mother's attention. Her little Czarina had finally grew up more than her ambitious mother. Guided by Adeena's visions from the plans I stole from Alpha Calden and drugging my son as a battery cell to keep him under my hand. Playing the cards silently as I betrayed Maria countless times unnoticed.

I was willing to risk it all...

My Basile would never betrayed me, he loved me.. Whatever I do he'll forgive me, I am his beloved Czarina. I had got away with hos lovers and previous wives but alas...

"Czarina! " he called out to me as I awaited him in our room. I had helped him out of Maria's plan and keeping him away from Damian's madness. Surely he would be happy yet, he only slapped me in fury. His eyes was full of disappointment and sadness as he looked upon me.

I didn't knew why he was being like this? Maria was replaceable! She was just a toy to him, why would he even bother getting so riled up.

"How dare you-"

"No!  How dare you deceived Maria!" He cut me off.

"I am your wife, she is just your fuck toy right!? No strings attached! " I screamed as I took held at my stance.

"She is Lilith's mother! You loved them both! Why??!! " he growled.

"You said you loved me! " I spatted and waved my hands.

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