Chapter 30

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Maria had taken a sip from her soup and noodles. As her closest friends waited for her to speak. Her hair was still in a mess and her dress was still the bloodied Manchurian dress she wore yesterday. She recked of blood and tears but she didn't care, all she wanted to do was eat.

"Lemme eat in peace, the poor baby is hungry okay. " she whined.

"You idiot, we thought you died! " yelled Basile.

"My Queen!  Please forgive me, they threatened to kill my children! " the poor chef cried.

"One at a time, acting as a naive 16th century is tiring. I'm pregnant, you know. " said Maria

"Mother, how could you make fun at this moment? We all thought for the worse. " Lilith soon cried along with Laylana.

"What else would I do?  Cry again for a daughter I couldn't have back? Damian's love was unreal? My life in jeopardy?  If I'm going to die, at least lemme enjoy a bowl of hot noodles! " she exclaimed and later finished her meal. With Basile snorting and Atticus shaking his head of how unbelievable Maria can be with her emotions.

"I do apologize, I haven't inform you all of my plan, it would be unrealistic if some of you knew. Atticus and Basile, I know how disappointed you both are of me for my rash behaviour. " said Maria with sad and guilty eyes as Madame V sat at the ground, clutching her skirt and cried.

"Madame V, you are still my beloved friend and chef. I will never harm you or your family,  I understand how you felt at times of desperation. " the women bowed down and thanked Maria for her mercy and understanding, as for her daughter.  She kneeled before asked for forgiveness. 

"I greatly apologize scaring and hurting you like that, no child should ever experienced so dreadful like that. I couldn't protect your sister. " Maria cried as soon after Lilith embraced her mother.

"No, it was mine. I wasn't there for you mama. "

"It was better you weren't there, he could have hurt you. " both cried as Maria kissed Lilith's cheek and later rose to hold Laylana's hand.

"Can you guys leave us alone for awhile? " they all nodded and left the two alone. Laylana felt like she was dying, she didn't wanted to be left alone with Maria. She felt guilty at the lost of her own niece. Her face couldn't be drawn as she covered it with her hands. Maria embraced her even at her small height under Laylana's chest.

She carefully took the hands of her friend and examined her arms, taking a peek from the sleeves as Laylana quickly removed them from Maria's sight.

"I have already saw them Laylana, you don't need to hide it from me. " Maria's voice was light yet raspy from her crying and yelling earlier.

"I didn't plan to hurt you like this, to be a reason of pain. " she traced the scars at her friends arms as she bit her finger and smeared blood over the light scars.

"I once lost a classmate, who I never really got close too. She used to seat behind me, it was a new school so I didn't knew anyone. One day she was just gone we were all shocked. I wished I could have helped her in some way but.... " Maria stopped as Laylana looked down at her hands with tears falling down on it. Maria felt horrible, she vented out her anger to Laylana who was also suffering.  It wasn't only her but everyone was too. She levitated a little in the air and wiped her friend's tears and kissed where the tears poured down. Enveloping her arms around Laylana's neck with her baby bump so close to Laylana's chest.

"I'm sorry, my daughter's death had nothing to do with you. It was mine,  I should have maybe left the castle or stayed with Cole all those months ago. It wasn't your fault Laylana. It was never yours. " the princess cried more as she embraced her friend.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry you have to deal with me. You could have quietly ran away, you had to stay because of me...." Laylana breathe out as she wept.

"No, no, no, without you. I wouldn't have meet Cole. I wouldn't have a daughter nor another child to carry. Lilith would have been lonely, you are here to love and cherish Atticus. I'm sorry I called you a rip off, I do held great regret saying I wished you died. I git carried away with my emotions. I really am,  I lost so much I don't wanna lose you too. You were the first friend I had that I could tell and ask shit about... " Maria wept as she laughed at her last line making Laylana give off a sad smile.

"You are important, you matter and you are loved. I always envied how you got so lucky with Atticus. I wished to be loved like that as well. " said Maria as Laylana chuckled and offered her friend a handkerchief cause she was having a runny nose.

"Cole will forgive the shit you did, just tell him you're sorry. I'm sure he will understand. He really loves you Maria, as you said he was even willing to give up his pack for you. " said Laylana in confidence.

"I hope so-"

Maria was cut off when she felt the baby kicked and Laylana laughed as she felt the baby move at Maria's belly.

"He kicks well, like his dad. " the brown haired woman laughed.

"He? "Maria grinned.

"Trust me, with that kick it's Cole's mini self! " the princess chuckled and embraced her friend one more time before Maria had her feet back on the ground.

"Well.. What now? " Asked Laylana to Maria.

"Lilith has been gathering alliances for your father isn't she? "

"Yes, she is. " with a nod the princess gave.

"Good, it's time for me make some as well. Damian wouldn't see what's coming. Speaking of coming, we should pay the red haired witch a visit. "

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