Chapter 25

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The Queen finally regained her consciousness after a few hours. She immediately bolted up and touched her belly yet it was still large than what she had hoped so. At her bed she scanned her room and saw a small crib, carefully walking towards it as she began to weep and realized the once pain she'll come to face again.

There was no heartbeat or even a faint one, her child perished before it could see it's own mother. The child was awfully beautiful to her eyes, checking out the gender. It was a girl, a beautiful baby girl. She gently take the baby to lay at her arms are blood tears came pouring down her eyes. Shrieking in pain and grief as the palace walls shakes with deep aching. No one had dry cheeks on their faces as everyone felt the immense pain their Queen had wept. A great storm brewed outside with thunderous roars from the heaved enraged and streaks of bolted lightning lid up the dark grey sky.

A familiar black dog appeared by her side and cried alongside his mistress. Sigmund gently nudged at Maria's cheek and neck to comfort his grieving mistress.

Basile was outside of Maria's room biting his fingernails in frustration, not caring about manners at the moment.

"Fucking shit! " he cursed out as he marched to his brother's empty throne room with anger.

"Are you fucking happy now Damian!? " he screamed as Damian sat in his throne with a stoic expression and blood tears at his eyes.

"The child died? " he asked.

"What do you fucking expect? You never visited Maria or apologized to her! " Basile cursed and wanted his brother to go at least see Maria and apologized fir the accident.

"She wouldn't let me, she wouldn't accept me now. She will forever loathe me. " the king whispered in defeat, earlier morning they were so happy. So happy that she had his defenses down and didn't notice Adeena or his own court's presence.

"She will if you stay here being a dick! Go to her now! "

"What's left to be said, I have done the worse. I killed her beloved's child,  children dying are normal but I can grant her to make another one. " his voice was hoarse and dead.

"You are fucked up, you know that don't you!?? Children are dying because of you!  Might I add you added great disappointment and disgraceful actions to our family long before Maria came! " this made Damian turn to face his brother at boiling temper.

"I was never a disappointment, I was the perfect son, the perfect king I am meant to be! "

"You, Damian Vernengo,  son of the great Vernengo family!  The pride and great son was a failure and a fucking dick! " Basile roared as Damian's eyes glowed.

"Shut up before I cut your tongue!  Brother or not, you were conceived by a whore! " he spatted.

"Yes I've been conceived by a whore! But who do you think the reason caused that I was born? You killed your own flesh and blood in your own mother's belly!"

"Shut up and leave me alone! " Damian growled as smoke could be seen at his flaring nose and powerful strong winds surrounded him.

"No you need to hear this, you killed everyone you love and you have no rights to deserve it!  Even as much Maria can be forgiving and innocent she is to our kind, she doesn't deserve you and never will be she your damn dead Chinese girlfriend!" Basile threw out the final words and left him be.

Most would find it weird and strange on how the King of Lust would protect and worry to his sister in law that he fucked up in the past. Yet the reason was simple, Maria reminded him of himself as a child. A replacement of someone who died because of Damian. A poor innocent human dragged along Damian's problematic love life and chaotic mind.

He pitied her, damn luck Maria had he thought. Calling out his daughter to inform her to make the travel with the royal physician's arrival earlier than expected. The child's death was kept a secret, only those in the castle knew and was forbidden to speak it out. However Basile messaged the King of Wolves about Maria's unexpected birth and the death of the child. The grandfather wouldn't be happy enough nor is willing to send her daughter now. But if he wouldn't then war could brew, following out Basile's instructions he would need to build alliances from Damian's past supporters to protect his family and Maria hopefully away from Damian in the future.

"Mother Moon bless us away from the darkness. "

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