Chapter 26

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Laylana was quite shock that she and Atticus had to move in earlier than expected but she couldn't feel that something was wrong. When Atticus got a call from Basile last night his lips when pale in shock and his movements were dull and stiff as if hearing someone just died.

The palace was dead silent, too silent yet she was worried for her safety that Damian was now closer. She did felt safe with Lilith as they spend more time at the library with her lessons and training with her elder brother. Atticus was almost unseen for days, as her husband was having anxiety and stressed for quite some time. She did asked him about him but told her, it's nothing to worry about.

Lilith had her introduced to Madame V, who was her mother's favorite chef. The old noble lady was limping down and had some privacy to chat with the princess. Hugging her down and apologizing, Lilith knows something was off but she needs to be strong for her mother and herself. Whatever Madame V was apologizing for she knows, the woman was good one. If she was forced to do something then it had to be to protect her family. They later had sweets and had a lively talk but she couldn't help but feel hurt with the fake forced smiles Madame V was giving to keep them entertained.

"Hey Lilith, how come we never see your mother? It's been quite long... " said Laylana as she beside Lilith.

"It's only been four days, I'm sure she's pretty busy or sleeping as much before her delivery. " the girl happily smiled as she continued to read her spell book.

"Are you not worry or in doubt?  The castle hasn't been entertaining." Said Laylana.

"I am but Father said that this time I shouldn't be too noisy and give mama some time alone. She's been really stressed out also the King is as well. "

"Lilith, I heard that more than half of King Damian's alliances broken up with him and that the witch is here. " Laylana silently spoke.

"Ate, as much as I wanna know more about what's going on in the castle. Mama told everyone to keep it away from me even to Father but he told me a few things and that not to get on mama's and the Kings nerves at the moment. " the princess softly replied to Laylana as she then proceeded to mix up an concoction later to put them in a mold.

"Your mother's pills? "

"Papa said she's been unwell and unhappy, I decided to make some and have the servants deliver it to her since I couldn't get pass by her door. "The princess only nodded as the child hummed and made more of her gift for her mother, unknowing the deep pain and suffering her mother was dealing with.

A week passed and Lilith was somehow relocated to live with the King of Lust castle. Leaving poor Laylana all alone, she did heard from Lilith that Maria only has her to live with her father when there is great danger and she wants her daughter to be safe and well.

Though Laylana was pissed off, she was summoned earlier and for once Maria never called her. Banging at the doors of her best friend and making a riot outside. She demanded to see her and pushed the guards away only to see Maria turning her back to her as she carried a small and feeble pale baby. Yet the child was dead.

The room was dark and was filled with mixed emotions lurking and vibrating at the walls. Maria's cheeks was black and dried from her blood tears and was wearing a bloody white dress or under garment when wearing her dresses. Her curly hair was loosen and tangled all over her small back and slightly covering half of her face.

"Must you be inconsiderate and unmannered as a princess Laylana, I expected too much of you. Can't you let me grief you fucking dog! " Maria screamed at fury as she clenched her child to her chest more closely and protectively. She saw Sigmund whimpering and rubbing his head at his Mistress's side.

"My daughter is dead because of you!  I wished Adeena successfully killed you when she invading you damn dog house! A treaty and promised I pledged to Damian just to keep you fucking alive you ungrateful mutt!" The Queen ranted as the Princess remained silent and shocked. She was hurt by Maria's words but she couldn't help but feel her best friend's pain holding her own dead child at her arms.

"All of this because you looked like that damn fucking liar!  Your great grandmother was a piece of shit, there I said it Atticus married a crappy rip off, just like that dickheaded! " Maria hysterically laughed as more blood tears came down from her swollen and tired eyes.

"You look like that bitch... Haaaa... You look like her.. " Maria whispered as she sat on the floor with her knees.

"Take her away, the princess is feeling unwell. " she commanded her guards and had Laylana dragged to her room. Which gave the Queen an idea. She then immediately summoned Atticus and asked him with a devious smile.

"Tell me what was Gongzhu Xuehua like? "

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