Chapter 14

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David woke up from a knock banging on his cells. Unbelievable he thought, the chains didn't worked on Laylana!  Plus Alpha Calden told him the bitch didn't know any vampiric magic but they got the Intel wrong.

Grinning his teeth he knew he was defeated already. Only little bit of magic he held after he felt his hidden battery in his pack was destroyed.

When the guards knew he was awake, he was quickly removed from the cell and force to walk to the fighting area.

Thrown away he struggles to stand as vines of silver was used to tie him. Not only that but his felt his neck Sting as poison was delivered to his system when he passed out.

Looking around the small like coliseum he knew what was going on. He was about to be killed without mercy as defenseless he was.

King Charles then appeared on the mighty platform. He stood proud and tall with a smile on his face.

"Brothers and Sisters, my Children!  Welcome! " the King roared with amusement.

"As we have all known the wicked ways of Alpha David!  He will be killed without mercy. Tonight we have our strongest warriors and the New Alpha of the Night Howlers Pack will eliminate this disgraced mutt! " the king snarled at the end of his sentence and glared at David which only smirked.

Laylana didn't liked it but he was a terrible man. Though the punishment was the worst of worst in their ways.

She saw her brother at the arena with his beta and other warriors. Shifting into their lycan and werewolves form. David was freed from the silver vines and forced to shift. Out numbered,  he will be killed.

The wolves then began to circle their prey,  David held no chance as he was drained. He was tortured and played like a chew toy by the warriors. Still he didn't admitted defeat,  Cole lunged at him and ripped away his head! 

The crowd cheered and screamed in pride. Laylana was new to this was disgusted by the sight though more thankful she didn't have to bare watch it again as Atticus held her hand. Though she noticed Atticus was mindlinking with Rieka then called out one of her students to fetch her a bow and arrow.

Which was weird but her thoughts were wavered as the headless body had shadows going out David's body. The shadow formed into a large lycan and began to attack the warriors. Rieka took the precautions and singled handedly killed the beast with a purified arrow blessed by their Goddess.

Everyone was shocked as Rieka began to tell them that Alpha David was meddling with Magic,  demonic magic from the deeps of hell.

Though David's last words haunted the pack,  he spoke of them with hatred and terribly.

"Your Kingdom will fall!  Your King will die!  All hail the true King of the Night,  Alpha Calden!"

King Charles recounted all the days that passed since that day. He was worried and probably going insane as he can sometimes see his dead wife jumping out the balcony or being dragged by wolves but he knew she didn't die by that. Yet why.

"Charles... Charles.. " he heard his wife whispered in his sleep. Opening his eyes he saw her sitting at the chair near his bed.

"Come with me Charles... " she whispered and kissed him. He cried in joy and kissed her back,  pulling her to his embrace.

"Where would we go? " he asked as he brushed her hair away from her face.

"To the sky my love with the Moon Goddess and her children." She smiled.

He rose up from his bed and followed her, she didn't seem to walk but float.  She flew faster as he scurriedly followed her.

"Rose! " he called her name as he was pulled back.

In shock he coughed up something black and opened his eyes to find his son holding him back from jumping off the balcony.

"What happened?! " he asked alarmingly.

"You tried to jump off! " said Cole and had feared on his eyes.

"Dad what happened? " he asked.

"Your mother... She was calling me. "

"That wasn't mother but a red haired woman in mother's old sleeping dress. " stating the facts.

From that day forward the seer was tasked to seal off their Kingdom with a barrier and the other packs with their seer. This was something huge than any other enemy they had encountered. Demons rarely mingled and they knew werewolves born with magic were rare and they are called Seers who are magical wolves blessed by the Moon Goddess as Protection for her children against the darkness.

As in the Vampire Palace, Luca find himself enjoying the company of his... Younger half sister, Lilith. 

When he found consciousness again he was in a guest's room in his Uncle's place. He wasn't close to his Uncle since he mostly acted like his father. Damian wasn't much of an all fun person but bloody serious.

"Kuya Luca do you have a pet as well? " the girl asked while holding a demon dog which belongs to her mother.

He was fascinated by Lilith's choice of words sometimes,  it was mixed and he knows what kuya means. It meant older brother,  he spend a lot of time roaming around with a bunch of hot babes so it wasn't hard. He found women in the southeast as exotic dancers he thought.

Their golden brown complexion,  dark hair and eyes was alluring to him. Some were blessed with different eye colors. Plus he found women in the Philippines attractively thicc and he describes his aunt in law a mini thicc action figure.

He did once tried to touch her thigh only to be punch in his balls. Not a good memory especially if it's the first.

"I have,  fifty-two of them though should I consider a horse a pet? " he asked.

"Yes! " she grinned.

"Come on we need to hurry up,  your King called me. "

Lilith nodded and proceeded to ran to her father's throne room. The thick ebony doors opened and he went it to face the King.

It's been two days since he arrived or woke up in his Uncle's place regaining his powers as his sister helped him.

"Prince Luca Beaumont, tell us what happened to you in your days of captivity. " his Uncle spoke.

"I was in.... Either Ohio or Sri Lanka.. I think it was Spain? "

"Do not play with me boy! "

"I'm not!  Okay look can we just have this normally than I am King and you are Prince cause my mind has been blank since I was held captive. "

Damian sighed and had his nephew proceed his long and boring amazing sex life,  fuck he doesn't give a damn if the boy fucks a donkey.

"All I remembered was this new bar in... I don't know where it was but I saw this tall dude. He was buff,  had brown locks, bearded and old. Though not much I got to say he was damn attractive. " said Luca with a smirk.

"For crying out loud step aside your sex life and get to the point! " Damian roared which Luca just rolled his eyes.

"We drink and I got drunk, then I found myself in a cell with Aunt Adeena kissing him wildly and I was gagged by a shadowed creature forcing me to fit in a battery cell like... Or was it a pill cell? A pencil?  Get it! " he laughed.

Damian groaned and had his nephew out of the throne room. Not a single decent information he had.

When the day ended he went back to his room and had happy kisses from his wife as she welcomed him. At least his day wasn't that bad. He told her what Luca told him and she agreed,  it wasn't very helpful.

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