"No...but another one of your kind is....for this sin. I can not have her in my coven. I offer her to your cause." She said Joels frowned deepened.

"Why would I want another witch for my cause. I already have the most powerful witch under my command" he said. The witch let out a real laugh tinged with anger.

"Most powerful to you. I assure Shia is not the most powerful...not even close. You are a fool who was not listening to my tale....my niece is a halfling already...My sister foolishly mated with a spirit shifter....and my niece mated with a vampire. If you take her in,,, you will have a child that has the powers of all three on your side.its never been done." She said with every word excitement built within Joel. There has never been a being that possesses all three of those powers. He would be unstoppable. But he wondered why this woman was offering her own niece up for his cause?

"Your niece does she know you are here offering her to me?" He asked the woman shook her head.

"No...and she must never know she would fight against it. When she was born I had a vision that she would sit upon the vampire throne with her husband and her child will become the leader of all beings...vampires, werewolves, witches, faes, spirit shifters alike will bow down to him with his father at his side. Since you are planning to sit upon the throne I am trying to help the vision become true. A witch with that much power has never been and so the vision must come to pass. If anyone is to know of her true nature of the carrier of the true leader well...you know what would happen." She said Joel was practically salivating at the potential of what the witch was saying.

"What about the child's real father?" He asked her

"She says he is dead...I am assuming in the attack at her cousins," she said with a wave of her hand. Joel shook his head he wasn't ready to take a wife but with this news, he will take this witch as his wife and raise that child as his so he could lead...father and son.

"Does your niece know of her true calling? Of her child's true calling?" He asked the witch shook her head.

"No. I told my sister and mother when she was a baby. That is why we locked her away. She is weak, her mother did not train her for her calling. She indulged her too much, mother too... she needs to be made strong for her baby she wouldn't be able to handle the truth. She is hardly coming to terms with her pregnancy as it is. Why the fates chose her is beyond me..." the woman said bitterly.

"So she is not here?" He asked

"No, you're going to have to take her. She refuses to leave the coven and she can not know about the vision nor know of my involvement" she said he nodded Handing her a note pad and pen

"Write down everything I need to know about the coven so when we take her we know who and where....but you said something earlier....the king you said I think I destroyed the king..." he said watching the witch carefully she nodded looking up from her writing.

"He lives," she said

"He lives," she said

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Akema ^^


"Come on pick up Zi," Akema said into the phone as she paced her small bedroom in the coven. It had been four months since she has talked to Zipporah because Akema was purposely avoiding Zipporahs calls and texts. But she needed to let someone know about this baby outside her coven she was starting to show a little. Jackson deserved to at least know she was pregnant with his child. She knew she was following in her mother's footsteps, but one thing she was not going to do was keep her child away from his or her father. If he wanted a relationship with his child she would never come in between that. As much as it would hurt to not be with Jackson she knew that it was not about her anymore.

After what seemed like forever Zipporah finally picked up.
"Akema?"  Zipporah asked shockingly as soon as she heard Zipporahs voice she wanted to break out in sobs but she sniffed it back she needed advice.

"You there? Akema...I've been so worried...you haven't returned any of my texts or Latishas calls or texts either..." Zipporah said sounding worried. She felt bad for neglecting their friendship

"I'm sorry Zi...a lot has been happening which is why I am calling you now...." Akema said with a heavy sigh. It sounded like a lame excuse even to her.

"Sure, anything you know I'm here for you," Zipporah said. Tears stung Akemas eyes she did not realize how much she had missed her friend until hearing her voice. Wiping the fallen tears from her face she took a big breath in and breathed out.

"Promise you will not tell Jackson..." Akema pleaded she was going to tell him, but she wanted to make sure it came from her on her time.

"Of course," Zipporah said Akema sat down on her bed, feeling a little light-headed already

"Ok...thank you...I'm pregnant" she blurted out. Zipporah was silent on the other end of the phone. So much so Akema thought she had hung up.

"Hello Zi?" Akema asked looking at her cell phone making sure the phone didn't drop the call.

"Yeah. I am here girl...oh my god...this is..." Zipporah stammered.

"A disaster?" Akema finished a whole hot ass mess, was more like it

"...A blessing...a baby is not a disaster Akema. Zipporah chided

"Jackson and I aren't on the best terms Zipporah or have you forgotten?" How could anyone forget the way he treated her?

"No, I haven't forgotten...but this..." whatever Zipporah was saying was interrupted by a man walking into her room. Akema stood up dropping the phone on her bed looking at the man fear filling her she knew something wrong was going on.  Men weren't allowed in the coven. Maybe one of the other witches had snuck in a guy and he had entered the wrong room.

"Who are you?" She asked the man when another man came in. Both of the men huge and unknown to her blocking her only exit from her room. Something was very off.

"We are here for you witch....and we would prefer you to make it nice and easy for us." The first guy said. He looked crazed she could tell he was a werewolf he had the same crazed eyes as the werewolves that were at her cousin's castle the night of the attack,

"Please...." she pleaded she did not know if the wolves were hunting them to make sure the deed was truly done but if that's the case then they knew the others were alive she needed to warn Zipporah She glanced at the men then at her phone.

"Don't be stupid" the second guy said. They both lunged for the phone at the same time. She got to it first. They wrestled on the bed

"TWO WEREWOLVES HERE..." she yelled as the men grabbed her, one grabbed her hand with the phone with her free hand she zapped him with a burst of power sending him flying back. She propelled herself off the bed heading for the door

"Bitch you want it the hard way," the other man said. Grabbing her hair yanking it back sending her to the floor. She yelled out in pain and the zapped man stepped hard on her hand that held the phone causing her hand to open she could hear Zipporah yelling on the other end for her. The man she had zapped with his other foot kicked the phone away. The man still holding her hair pulled it hard she saw stars.

"Boss said not to kill you, but he didn't say not to hurt you" the man she zapped said getting eye level to her before punching her into darkness.

Hey all? I'm trying to be heavy with the updates. After talking to my hubby he helped me have somewhere to go....even though he be talking and He will spark some other separate idea. Lol (Thanks babe) tell me what you all think about this one?? Thanks again for riding with ya girl

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