Sun/ pain/ memories

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Alexander watched as Fetu and Enele trained in the vast courtyard of their mansion. The werewolves under their command were massive. Nothing compared to the measly werewolves that had attacked him weeks ago. The brother's pack was intense and very much warriors through and through.  On top of the werewolves, they also had the aid of some werebears who were also massive. He was glad he wasn't hosting them at his castle because the were-animals ate all the time. If they weren't training, they were eating, or going into the village and fucking.  Alexander was very thankful for all the aide the were animals were given to him. He was in their debt. He was glad he kept a healthy relationship with sectors of spirit shifters. Unlike his father, he thought having allies was a must. His father wanted to alienate and destroy anything that wasn't a vampire because he saw them at the top of the food chain, but Alexander did not share his ideology. Times like this, he was grateful he didn't. 

Alexander tried to remain focused on the training and the strategies, but his mate was very distracting. Since he got her back, he has not been able to stay away from her. Luckily he has Adisa and Jackson to train and keep him abreast of the progress of his new army. He had to set boundaries with his mate, though. He wanted to spend every second with her, but he knew he needed to focus until after this war was over. Then he could devote more time with his sweet mate. Although the circumstances have been a bit grim the past year, he realized all the things they had gone through had made them stronger. He has learned to trust his wife with everything, and their communication has gotten better because of it. He could not believe he wasted so much time hiding who he thought that provided him the freedom to do as he pleased. Having her know everything has provided true freedom. No secrets stood between them. Not even the fact that his brother had tried to seduce his wife and beat her at one point. That alone made him want to rip his brother limb from limb. But one thing at a time. First Joel, then he would deal with his brother.

Jackson was another concern of his. He hasn't been in the best mood since they landed on the island. He has been giving his friend his space since he had returned, but he thought they need to talk about everything that went down while he was captured. He was more emotionally void then he has ever known his friend to be. Jackson was known to be a fighter and one of the best warriors he had ever known, but lately, he had been reckless. Angrier when it came to fighting. Which was concerning because, in battle, it was not the time to be emotional. But when they weren't fighting, he was void of emotion, pretending everything was ok. He knew better everything was not better with him. Truth be told, he did not know how to be there for his friend.

"Son of a almost stabbed me," Fetu growled, throwing his sword to the side. He was sparring with Jackson. Jackson grinned, no humor in it. He shrugged, watching the blood where he cut Fetu drip from his wound.

"Have to be quicker than that," Jackson replied. Fetu growled, clutching his chest where he was swiped with Jackson's sword.

 Fetu growled, clutching his chest where he was swiped with Jackson's sword

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