Chapter 15

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A/N: Okay, I just want to apologize to the readers for waiting too long for an update. A lot of things happened and I just can't find time to continue this. But I will finish this story no matter what. I want to apologize again because this chapter will be short. Very short. Still, I hope you guys will like it. Thanks!



I drum my index finger on the small coffee table and lean on the chair. I cross my legs then glare at the fool sitting across me. He has a stupid smile and a stupider look on his face. He is staring at my direction but not to me.

"Wipe that smirk off your face or I'll be doing it with a steel brush." I tell Darren as I take a sip on my tea. He did not respond. Rather, he sighs out loud and rests his chin on his palm.

I have been maintaining my cool from this guy. His stupid-ass decisions and imbecile actions are trying my temper. But I have to control my temper. I have to keep my composure. If I didn't, it will just show that I lose to whatever Darren's shenanigans' effects on our situation. Especially to someone as dumb as him. I heave a sigh to control myself from throwing my cup at him. Even if we're in his apartment, I won't hesitate in breaking his property.

"Are you even listening?" I ask.

"Isn't Winona amazi- Hey!" I, then, throw my cup at him together with the hot contents of it.

"You are goddamn pissing me off! You and your thick-headedness! You and your stupid puppy love! For once, Darren, listen! Just fucking lend me your ears! Or so help me, I'm gonna rip out your stupid brain and heart!" I tell Darren with my teeth gritted and fists clenched. "This. Is. Not. The. Time. To. FLIRT!"

"Like I said, I won't do it." Darren tells me with a serious look. He grabs the towel near him and wipes his head. He walks towards his drawer and removes his shirt, wears a clean one, then lies on his bed. I follow him to the foot of his bed.

"Fine, then I'll do it." I say as I arch my brow and cross my arms. "I'll tell Winona everything about us and what we've done."

"No!" Darren exclaims as he rises from his bed. He sighs and brushes his hand on his hair as if he's trying to find the right words to explain. He gets off his bed and looks out the window. "Winona is not a part of it so she doesn't have to know."

"That's the sense, Darren. She is not part of it so it's okay for her to know."

Darren turns to me then groans. "You don't understand, Celeste. Winona is innocent. I just can't let her walk to the pits of death that we had done. I won't make her more confused as she is now. I don't need to explain the truth of the lies we created. If she finds out what is really happening, who we really are, then that will be the one that'll murder her. I just can't let that happen, not to someone as perfect as her."

"Of course it is dangerous for her to know. Secrets have a cost; they are not for free. If she really wants to know the whole truth, she has to accept the fact that she'll be in danger. Darren, all you have to tell her is what we've done to Ms. Sullivan and the decisions we did with Lance. What is happening in our class is out of our reach but with Winona, someone who is not part of it, she can help us." I tell him. "You love her right?"

Darren did not answer.


Darren quickly shakes his head in approval.

"Then protect her. You know the dangers that will come to her when she finds out the truth, and with the stupid love, and I don't know why of all time it has to be in this situation, you have with her, you will protect her."

"Then who's gonna protect me?" Darren asks.

"And now you're thinking of yourself?" I say. "After what we have been through, after all those dark sins we have done, after all those dirty secrets we kept, after all those fucking lies we are forced to keep in our mind, after all that you are now thinking about yourself?"

Darren did not answer again.

"I did not think of myself, Darren. Right now, I don't really care what will happen to me. But let us not ruin the future of those who are not part of it -and note to Darren, Winona is one of them- from the mistakes we made in the past. Try to think of what is right."

"And do you think killing is right?" He stares at me. His gaze is both bursting with emotions of anger and fear. This time, I am the one who is not able to answer. Darren approaches me and stands on my front. He grabs my face with both his hands and force his glare into mine.

"The both of us are in this together. No matter what. Because the darkness of our past, the dreams of our future have been warped into despair. Our bright lives will never be back, even after this is over. We will forever carry the burden of our sins and all those who died because of it. Even if we wanted to, there's no turning back now." Darren says. "I know you're hurt and I know that beneath the coldness of your attitude you are still warm and sincere. The cold feelings of your warm heart... that's what makes you strong and that's what makes you alive right now. And the price of maintaing that is for you to live in solitude where no one can suspect our dark secret."


"Please understand that even I have what it takes to make myself feel like I'm living right now. That I have the strength to fight for what I'm standing for." Darren then firmly hugs me. "After what we did, all I've been thinking of is the despair in my life. Light will never shine, I tell myself. My perception of life was ruined because of the sins we committed. But everything changed when I met Winona. She's an angel. It's like I've found the light of my life that should have never been there. She's my everything now. She's my hope for a bright future."

I can feel Darren's grip at my back hardens. Warm drops of liquid spots on my shoulder. I don't know what to do and I can't decide what to do right now. I put my arm around his back and hug him back. Because of our twisted fate, I can't blame him if he's feeling so ambitious. After all, after what happened to us, nothing had been the same ever again. Our reality was warped with vicious sins and memories that haunt us until now. It is painful, regretting, and dark but that's the truth we're facing. Right now, the only thing we could do is dream about the sweet things that would have happened if it weren't for it.

"So," Darren wipes his eyes. He breaks the hug and looks at my eyes again. "I know that what I aspire of is impossible but I'll do whatever it takes to make it happen. To do that, I have to protect myself. I have to make sure that I won't die so she can't die so I can fulfill my dreams with her. I won't let her get hurt. I can't bear to feel guilty if ever that happens. I need Winona to be safe, to know I am safe."

I look away for a bit to erase the thought of how stupid Darren is right now because he is not the one who is stupid, I am.

"You will never understand how I feel, even if you wanted to. I am the one who had blood in his hands. But even so, whatever happens, Celeste, we are in this together. You and I. Just the two of us. We are involved. So let's not bring Winona into this. Let's not, Celeste. Please."

"Nice." I mumble. What he said might be what he thinks is for the best but I still am firm with what I think is right. "I still don't get you and I still can't understand why it has to be Winona, but I still think she needs to know."

Darren did not answer. He just closed his eyes after hearing what I had said. I pat Darren's shoulder and walk towards the table to grab my bag and jacket. "I'll take my leave now. It's getting late already and we're both still in the list."

"You know the way out." Darren says and throws himself on his bed.

I really will never understand this guys but he's stuck with me and that's what bonds us. A bond death made.

"Still, we're in this doomed reality. Nothing in the past can change it and even the future is unpredictable for us." I say as I open the door. "I still think that Winona needs to know everything and you should be the one telling her. She may not be a part of it but anytime she will... so get ready."

Darren groans as his response. God I hate him.

"Be careful." I say as leave and close the door.

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