Chapter 7

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I remember this morning that Mr. Samson announced that Connor Jackson was reported missing. After the four deaths in our class, we anticipated that he's dead already. Francis and his stupid friends were annoyingly melodramatic about it. On a seemingly brighter side, Patricia and Alvin are back and it has been a while since I last saw them. Not that I care.

I travel my eyes around the foul surrounding I am in right now. Most of my classmates are idiots, morons... imbeciles and I'm still confused why he didn't kill them yet. I know he feels the same way I feel right now. Being in a room full of monkeys is not entertaining. I look at Darren and catch him flirting with Winona. I frown. Those two should just get a room and hang themselves. Especially Darren. He's stupid and clumsy, I don't even know why I'm still talking with him.

But he's the only person I trust in this class.

The school bell rings indicating that it's already break time. The teacher tells us to do our assignment and then she leaves the room. Most of my classmates stand up and decide to head to the cafeteria.

"Let's get something to eat, Celeste." Patrice approaches me. Patricia is standing behind Patrice. She gives me a slight smile but I just roll my eyes at her.

"You go ahead. I won't be eating with you right now." I tell them.

"Uh... sure." Patrice mumbles. Patricia just bows her head and the two leaves the classroom. I just roll my eyes.

I sigh as I remember Mr. Samson's announcement again. So Connor is missing, huh? Then that means they are moving. I don't really care if they killed him. He's as stupid as most of the people around here anyway.

I don't like thinking about how narrow-minded my classmates are but I can't help it when I always see them working with their narrow-minded brains. Right now, two narrow-minds are having an annoying discussion.

"You killed them, didn't you?" Francis pulls Katey's hair harder. The girl whines.

Katey is pathetic. Maybe I should give her billions of handkerchiefs to wipe all the tears she had shed ever since high school. Why can't she just stand up of herself? Oh that's right. She's pathetic. She's stupid. She's insignificant. And just like her, Francis is one, too. All he does is ruin other people's lives. I just roll my eyes and try to ignore them, but however I try to ignore them, Katey's cries and Francis' angry yells are filling up the classroom.

"You killed them and you killed Connor!" Francis exclaims as he pulls Katey's hair harder until her chair loses balance and she falls on the floor. Some of my classmates life. I don't get why stupid people bully their own kind.

"Stand up, bitch!" Francis angrily shouts as he kicks Katey.

"Francis, you better fuckin' leave her alone." I hear Drake shouting. I just sigh and close my eyes. Another one decides to join the club. "Seriously?! You hit girls?!"

"What are you gonna do, huh?" Francis counters. "I hit whoever I want to hit! So fuckin' leave us alone or I'll -"

"Try touching him and you know what will happen." This time, I turn around to see the speaker. It was Lance. Hooray, cousin to the rescue. I roll my eyes again.

Francis stays quiet for a while. It's obvious that he's controlling his anger. After some seconds of silence, Francis kicks the desk nearest him then he decides to leave the classroom. Drake helps Katey to stand but the stupid monkey just keeps on crying.

I turn back to Lance. He's staring at me. I squint my eyes but he still continues to stare at me. I roll my eyes and turn back at the front. Why is Francis complying with Lance? This is not the first time he stopped when Lance threatened him. Knowing Francis, he should have strangled Lance already but it's not what happened. Does it mean that Lance did something? They did something? I sigh. I look at the ones who are left in the classroom. Some are talking while the others are eating. I realize, if I need to know them, I have to mingle. I need to interact. It sounds risky but it's something that can help.

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