Chapter 10

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Adrian and I look at each other, then we laugh.

"Fuck off, man!" I playfully punch his shoulder. "You killed Connor!"

"No! You killed him!" Adrian shakes his head while laughing. "You even raped him!"

"Dude! That's gross!" I exclaim at him as I playfully kick his leg.

"You guys are assholes." We turn to see Patrice and Patricia as they pass by. They must have heard our conversation about Connor. Patrice has a very disappointed expression while shaking her head in disbelief.

I roll my eyes and concentrate in having a conversation with Adrian, though he kept quiet when Patrice talked. If it weren't for Lance, then maybe I had already beat the crap of Patrice. Fuck that bastard and his little bitch.

"Connor was your friend and you just make fun of his death? You really are the worse guys." Patrice says.

This bitch is really getting in my nerves. No one talks like that to me. Not from a worthless bitch. I am about to say something that will shut Patrice's mouth and scare these bitches but we, even the two bitches, got surprised about Adrian's statement.

"You're sure that Connor is dead?"

Patrice drops her jaw and shockingly looks at Adrian while Patricia stares down on the floor. I look at Adrian and frown. Does Adrian know something about Connor's disappearance? About them?

"W-what do you mean?" Patrice asks.

Adrian grins. "Well technically, Connor is missing and the police didn't announce his death."

"Yeah but -" Patrice is about to say something but Adrian didn't let her.

"Assuming that he's still alive, it's safe for us to make fun of him."

"That's not the point. You're making fun of someone who -"

"Just. Shut. Up." Adrian states each word as he approaches Patrice to intimidate her.

"I... I... " Patrice stutter.

"So don't butt in to someone's conversation if you don't know the whole story. Get it?" Adrian towers at Patrice and the little bitch shakily nods. She may be the president of our class but she should know who to not mess with.

"I'm sorry." She says as the two quickly leaves the both of us.

I look at Adrian and he turns to me. He sighs and leans on the window pane again. I was so speechless. I didn't know that Adrian can intimidate people. Usually, it is me who intimidate but this dude can be as well.

"Aww, being cute already?" Adrian smirks as he looks at me.

"Just speechless, man." I tell him as I bro-fist with him. "You were awesome."

"I'm just annoyed of how Patrice thinks she's all powerful just because the killer is taking her side." Adrian shrugs.

My heart thumps as I look at him nervously. "T-the... killer...?"

Adrian looks at me confusingly. "Lance. He's a killer. He killed his father. God, Francis, your brain is not getting any bigger."

I smile in relief and chuckle at what he said. "Nah. I'm just messing with you." I put my arm around him and we walk like good ol' buddies in the hall.

We talk about playing our favorite sports after classes and go to our usual bar outside town. While walking, I can't help stop thinking about the them. It still boggles me and I can't sleep all night because of it. I feel like I'm inferior and small. But I have to be strong. I have to face everything.

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