Chapter 19

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I place the beers I bought on the little table in my room. Adrian, who was sleeping on the small chair, suddenly wakes up and his eyes obviously lighten up as he sees the beer. I take out my phone and check if there were messages. I sigh in relief and, at the same time, in frustration. I've been waiting for a text for a week but still no message. I'm beginning to get worried. Adrian, meanwhile, takes two cans and opens them. He hands me the other one and chugs down the one he's holding.

"Dude, I missed the taste of beer!" Adrian exclaims as he throws the can in the trash bin and starts to open another one. He then notices I didn't drink even a bit of my beer so he inquires about it. "Are you not gonna join me?"

I put down my phone. I take a sip of the beer and quickly put it down. Somehow, the taste isn't as good as before. It's maybe because I'm not used drinking with one person.

Or maybe because I've got problems that are even more bitter.

"You don't seem to be yourself again." Adrian tells me as he places his beer on the table. He shifts on his seat so he can face me properly. "Just before we get home from school, you were fine. Now you're acting all emo. Francis, if you have a problem, you can tell me. I'm your friend, dude."

I stare at Adrian for a moment and exhale. I turn away and look down. Adrian is reckless but he's a nice guy. I do not want him to be involved with my problems, now he's the only friend I have left. It's too dangerous now.

"Is this about Connor and Robert? I noticed that ever since they..." Adrian closes his eyes as he can't tell what he's about to say next. He then looks at me and continues. "You had become lonelier and more frustrated. I know I was wrong for thinking that Robert killed Connor but now I know he isn't one of the killers. Maybe we both aren't fully adjusted with what happened to them."

"Maybe." Is all what I can say. I can't express what I am thinking right now since I might not be careful enough.

"Or is this about your cousin, Wally?"

My body tenses as Adrian said that. I know he's just being concerned, and I'm grateful for it, but it just hits my nerves whenever he asks about my cousin. Although I can't blame him since he doesn't know what is really happening, I wanted to shout at him to shut the fuck up.

Talking about my cousin will make things worse, will make me worse. The killers know that Wally is my weakness so they kidnapped him and use him to make me do what they want. Even though I can't do anything, I just have to follow them so they won't hurt him.

Wally is the only person I consider family. My parents are useless and they don't care what happens to me. As long as I follow what they want then we can be even. After Wally's parents died in a car accident, my parents brought him in but did not concerned him. They even considered euthanasia for Wally when they learned he has a defect in his liver and kidney but I refused. They think he's just a burden in the family but I never he thought he was. He's a good soul. He doesn't deserve anything he's suffering from. Now, he's in danger because of me. His life is in the hands of the killers. They will kill him if they find a chance and I can't let them do that. I will protect him at all cost.

"Francis?" Adrian calls my name. I look at him and realize my thoughts drifted. I shake my head an apologize to him.

"I... was just thinking." I tell him.

Adrian sighs. "He isn't okay, is he?"

I did not answer.

"Wally must be -"

"Adrian. Please." I mutter with my teeth gritted. I emphasize my irritated tone so he can get that I do not want to talk about it.

"I'm sorry." Adrian mumbles.

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