Chapter 16

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I type Winona's number on my phone and hesitate to press the call sign. I bite my lip and think of what to say if ever I call her. She might freak out or get awkward and I wouldn't want that. I have to know what she is interested at so I can keep a causal conversation. Darren seems to know what she wants, but it seems he doesn't have the will to share her either. I delete the digits and lock my phone. Not today. Or tomorrow. Or next week. Then when?

"Argh..." I groan as I lean on the wheel. It's getting late and I'm in my car, waiting for someone. For the whole time I was in here, all I ever thought of was how to open a casual conversation with Winona without scaring the shit out of her. Why am I thinking of what to tell her, anyway? I can just... no. This frustrating. "Why is this happening to me? This is so not me."

I unlock my phone and press the Photos. There are a lot of pictures I haven't deleted. I scroll at the memories of me and Patrice. There were a lot of pictures we took and on all those pics we look happy. A curve forms on the side of my lips as I look at my favorite photo with her. This was when we had a date in a hot air balloon festival. No one knew about our relationship yet our hearts and souls were free. A perfect day for a perfect couple. Once a couple... though.

I zoom-in Patrice's face and gaze at every detail of her beauty. Her tantalizing eyes, soft lips, blooming cheeks, wonderful smile, her everything is beautiful. This was the girl I used to hug, to kiss... to love. Sometimes, I wonder why our relationship was bound to be broken. Both of us knew we don't deserve it. We were perfect even if our lives weren't. Only one day changed our lives, and the dawn of a new us rose that is now what makes us. Until now, my affection with Patrice haven't change. She will always be the girl I loved. However...

I accidentally slam on the horn and the sound brought me back to my senses. Initially, I look at the entrance of Darren's apartment. I am here, not because of Winona, but because to prevent him in doing something that can cause the downfall of everything. He is on the list, after all. Not that I knew the reason, though.

I check the time on my wrist watch and look at the entrance of the apartment. That's when I see Celeste stepping out. I frown as I see her look at both ends of the street, but it's obvious she knows I'm here. She walks through the pavement without looking back. I look up the window where Darren's unit is located. The lights are just turned off.

I turn back to Celeste and ponder on whether on what to do with her. I have plans on what to do with her but I'm still into the details. She's alone now and I am confident I can grab her without struggle. I rev the engine and slowly drive towards her direction. Before reaching her, she stops walking and turns to my direction. She watches me as I stop and come out of the car.

"Is it time for me to die?" She mocks as I approach her.

"Of all people, Celeste, you're not afraid to die." I tell her as I lean on my car.

She clicks her tongue. "You're not the one to talk. She leans on my car, too. "It's rare for you to talk to me."

"I don't even have a reason to talk with you." I tell her. "Maybe except when Ms. Sullivan-"

"That was not a reason." Celeste quickly says. "That was a mistake. Even you knew that."

Before I could remember the horrible past, I divert my mind on what is my purpose with her.

"Let's not talk about that now. It's done." I say. "I'm here for you."

"So I'm really gonna die now..." She mumbles. "I will fight, even if I don't stand a chance."

I shake my head. "Save your act. It sickens me. I'm not here to kill you."

"Right." She sighs. "You're not a killer. I forgot."

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