Chapter 4

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I check my wrist watch before entering the school building. I'm ten minutes late. Again. I don't really care if I am late since I'm used to get scolded by the teachers. I'm already popular with the teachers, most specially the Disciplinary Office. I don't really like going in this school, anyway. I wanted to leave ever since that incident. But because of him, I have to make sure that nothing's going to go wrong.

"Hi Darren." Some of the lower years wave their hands at me. I just look at their way. I'm popular with the other years since I befriended most of them.

Before I climb the stairs, I see someone running towards my direction. I smile and wait for her to reach me.

"Good morning, Winona." I greet her. "You're late."

"You're not the one to talk." She tells me as we start to climb the stairs. It has just been a few days but we become very comfortable with each other. Maybe because we got used to each other, since we're practically together the whole time we're in school. Every dismissal time, I drive her home. Sometimes, we talk about our other friends. I even get to see her sarcastic and snobbish side and I think it's cute.

"So, why are you late?" I ask her.

"I'v been doing some stuff last night. Most was thinking."

"Oh? I didn't know you could think." I tease.

"You're mean!" She giggles as she slaps my shoulder. She stops in front of the restroom as we reach the second floor. "I'll just use the restroom. You go ahead."

"I'll wait here. We're late together so we get in together."

She rolls her eyes yet her lips were curved before entering the restroom. I can't stop smiling as I remember her smile.


I look at the greeter and frown.

"Francis." I mutter. "Hey."

I notice he has a bruise on his left cheek, just beside his lips. There are cuts on his forehead, eyebrows, chin, and his lips.

"You're not gonna get in?" He points our classroom. "We're late, you know."

"I'm waiting for Winona." I answer. Then I ask about his face.

"It's nothing." He answers but I can sense he's pissed. "Anyway, I'll go ahead."

I just nod then he walks towards the room. At the same time, the restroom door opens and Winona comes out. I smile at her and she returns the smile. We then walk to our classroom.

"Get on your seats while I still haven't started yet." Mr. Samson tells us as we enter the room. We quickly get in and sit on our desks.

I stare at Mr. Samson. He's looking through some papers while Patrice tells something to him. I sigh then close my eyes. I just don't want to think of anything at this moment. I quickly sit up straight and turn to Celeste. She's still quiet and seems to be irritated with her seat mates. Nothing's new to her, anyway. She catches me looking at her then she rolls her eyes. Yep. Nothing's new to her.

"So, you and Winona went to get a morning date?" I turn to see Kevin looking at me with a mischievous smile. I roll my eyes and grin.

"Hey dude. Answer!" Kevin waves his eyebrows. "Did you guys kissed?"

"Kev, shut up. Nothing happened to us."

"Sure sure, don't tell it to me. We've been best friends for how many years for nothing, anyway." Kevin says as he turns back to the front.

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