Rogue sighed looking over in the direction of Khaleesi and the two dragons in worry. Sting turned to look at Rogue. "I know you're worried. Hell even I'm worried. But we need to trust her. She'll be fine, Rogue." Sting said in reassurance. Rogue sighed nodding his head. "You're right. I just...I just don't want to lose her again. I don't want to see her like that ever again." Rogue said in thought. Sting looked down remembering the horrific sight of Khaleesi's dead body. "Neither do I!" Sting said agreeing, but then he turned to look back at Rogue with a mischievous smile. "So you do have feelings for her? You want to be more than just friends!" Sting said raising his voice teasing Rogue. Rogue's eyes widened as his cheeks slightly flushed. "S-Shut up! Now's not the time for this!" Rogue stammered out flustered. Sting's smirk grew wider, "Hah! I knew it!" "I never agreed!" Rogue yelled out. "You didn't have to. It's written all over your face. You're completely smitten for her!" Sting said teasingly. Rogue was about to say something till the sound of a throat clearing caught their attention. The men turned their attention back to Jiemma.

|Khaleesi's POV|

I told the plan to Igneel. Igneel flew up in the air. As predicted, Acnologia followed Igneel, leading him farther way from the range of everyone else. "You won't escape from me!" Acnologia said. "I'm not fleeing. Nor will I allow you to. At this height, I dont have to hold back. Prepare to face judgement for your crimes." Igneel said.

"Brave words, but empty. They come from the mouth of one soon to be dead. Do your worst." I had ten minutes left. God I hope everyone is going to be safe. They continued battling. "Khaleesi, are you positive this is going to work?" Igneel muttered in question. "No, I'm not. It's been a long time since I've unleashed more than half, but I think it's long overdo. Besides we won't know unless we try!" I said smirking confidently. My eyes widened as I sensed more power. I looked at Igneel who smirked, "You could've told me you weren't alone!" I said waving my arms and shouting. He huffed chuckling, "They are taking out the Faces." I nodded my head understanding.

My body started to feel weak. I clutched on to Igneel's neck. "The air... The air is being drained of Ether-nano. Damnit this is going to push our plan back by ten minutes at least." I said softly. "Just hold on, girl." I nodded my head. Igneel punched Acnologia and landed on top of him holding him down. I smiled as Igneel began to talk.

   "We haven't lost yet, humans. Do not despair! My kindred are free at last. We soar through the skies of Ishgar once again!" I stood back up and smiled. I felt my magic return to me. I heard the roars of the other dragons. I looked over as Igneel looked up smiling. "We've done it. The revival of E.N.D. has been stopped. Victory is ours." Igneel shouted in triumph. My smile faded as I looked down at Acnologia. My eyes lowered remembering what he said previously.

"I don't understand. He was actually alive?" Sting said from the ground. "We all were. Skiadrum, Metallicana, Grandeeney, and Vitanima. We lived within all of you, the Dragon Slayers." He turned to me. "I had appointed Vitanima to you, Khaleesi. I didn't want you to share the same fate as Acnologia. But you already knew that when you had your conversation with her before she resurrected you." Igneel stated. My eyes widened, "So if Vitanima never sealed herself within me. Then I would've--" "Yes. You would've already been a dragon." My body trembled taking in the news. I would've been like Acnologia. "We used a very sacred art, to allow our spirits and our powers to lie dormant within each one of you." Igneel informed.

   "Wait a minute, is that what those heart palpitations were? Your powers were awakening?" Rogue questioned. I tilted my head in curiosity, "Heart palpations?" Igneel looked at me and huffed. "You would've felt them too, girl. If you hadn't gotten yourself killed." I scratched my head nervously laughing. "Yeah! You never gave me a straight answer on that! And you!" Natsu turned to point at me, "Huh? What about me?" "WHAT IN THE HELL WERE YOU THINKING?! YOUR RECKLESSNESS GOT YOU KILLED! DON'T DARE DO THAT AGAIN!" Natsu screamed flailing his fists.

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