Chapter 48

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"I'm ready. Don't be nervous Ashton." I say to my self as I make my way up to Jade's front door. I step onto her front porch taking 3 deep breaths.
Knock.... Knock..... Knock
Iwait for her to answer the door. I stand there awkwardly waiting. I play with my hands nervously still waiting.
"Hey." She says as she opens to door.
"H-hey." I stutter because of her beauty.
"So where are we going?" She asks.
"You look beautiful." I say, seeing if her shoes match her eyes, if you pick up what I'm putting down.
"Aw thanks but that's not what I asked you silly." She says smacking me lightly on the chest.
"Uh.... Sorry... I just got sidetracked by your beauty..... We are going out for dinner." I smile awkwardly. Ashton why are you so awkward? You have been on a date with this stunning girl before why are you so nervous? My conscious asks me. Ugh you stupid conscious maybe I am just scared that I'm going to mess everything up! I reply back uselessly.
"Well you ready to go?" Jade asks, waking me from my thoughts.
"Uhhh... Yeah. Do you want to inform your father that we are going?" I ask.
"Nah... He already knows I am going on a date with one of my favourites," she winks, nudging me as well. "He will be fine. He is an adult right?" She asks, a pinch of sarcasm in her voice.
"Uhh.. Right. Well we better get going." I smile putting my arm out for her. She links her arm with mine and we begin to walk to the car. I open the passenger side door for her and run around to my side to get in.
"Are you going to tell me where we are going? Or is it going to be like our first date and your not going to tell me anything then trick me by telling me we are going to maccas?" She asks curiously.
"The second one." I smirk.
"Wow... You so immature Ash." She giggles and I get turned on how she calls me Ash. Weird, I know.
"I'm the immature one?" I put my hand on my chest like I'm offended. "Rude." I scoff keeping my eyes on the road.
"Sorry but the truth hurts." She says sympathetically.
"Ugh.... Your so rude. Don't talk to me until we get there." I say in my best offended voice.
"Okay..." She says briefly probably knowing that I won't last very long without talking to her.


"We're here...... I knew how much you love pizza and beaches. So I kinda did my research and found a place close to home that is beach themed and is a pizza place. It sells other foods but pizza is its shit apparently..." I ramble on.
"Cool! I've always wanted to come here like no joke.... When I used to live with my mum every weekend when she wasn't working I would beg her to take me and my brother here for dinner... But no work was more important than her kids so she never did." She explains as she got out of the car. We make our way to the front desk where a guy our age was standing.
"Jade?" He asks in suprisment.
"Brock?" She asks in return.
"Wow it is really you! I haven't seen you in like forever!" He smiles pulling her in for a tight hug. My heart breaks into millions of pieces when she hugs him back.
"Yeah I know right! Oh my lord, I can't believe you work here! It is so close to me. Why didn't you ever text me or call?" She asks. I begin to get more and more jealous.
"I don't know.... I thought you wouldn't have wanted to see me after what happened.... Sorry about that by the way." He say looking down at his hands.
"Gahd.. It wasn't that bad.. I mean I was angry for a couple of days but I got over it! You could've called and I would be the same." She says sympathetically.
"Cool. Well who is this good looking chap?" He says referring to me.
"Brock this is Ashton, Ashton this is Brock." She introduces us.
"Hey..." I say annoyingly.
"Hello. Well I should let you guys continue with you night I don't want to hold you up." He says obviously hearing the annoyance in my voice. "Reservation name?"
"Irwin." I say softly.
"Okay, follow me and I will take you to your seats." He says walking in front of Jade and I." Here you are," he gestures to the 2 person booth. "I will text you later and we will have to catch up some day, okay?" He asks Jade.
"Yeah sure that would be great!" She exclaims. "See you," she waves him off.
"Who was that?" I ask politely as possible.
"Brock, we used to go to the same school. We dated once but once I moved school we broke up. Well we didn't really say 'oh your dumped' or anything we just thought it was over. Every now and then we would chat to each other. We are like best friends. That was until he purposely broke my phone because he got frustrated with me. I got angry and made him leave. We was obviously to scared to talk to me from then because I was 'angry' but I got over it. It was just a phone." She explains.
"Interesting.... So are you guys still pretty close?" I ask. Curious to see if he is competition or not. He was pretty good looking as well. Tanned skin, hair pushed up in a quiff like Luke's except he had brown hair. Stunning green eyes and perfect teeth. I can see why Jade would date him.

He was like a brunette Luke Hemmings with sun kissed skin and emerald green eyes.
"Yeah I guess we are still pretty close. But don't worry Ash, he won't get in between you and I. We are just friends." She reassures me.
"I wasn't... Worring." I fake a smile.
"You were so.. I heard it in your voice when I introduced you two. And your gestures gave off a bad vibe." She teases.
"Okay maybe I was... But I do have something to worry 'bout. You dated him, you guys are still pretty close and! He is like an angel sent from above. His hair looks as soft as angel wings. He has skin that has been kissed by the sun. He has perfect pearly whites. He is just perfect." I sigh.
"Awwww looks like lil Ashton here has a crush on Brockily." She giggles.
"Brockily? And I do not! I have a crush on someone already." I defend myself.
"Brockily used to be my nick name for him in junior school. Do you really have a crush on someone? Tell me about this girl.... Or boy. Doesn't worry me on the gender. I won't judge." She teases once again.
"I'm not gay! And this person has stunning blue eyes. Lovely completion that has been made by angels. Body of a goddess. And has the most brilliant lips that I'd love to kiss if I could. And far out her personality turns me on." I spill.
"Oooo. She sounds so nice. Well why haven't you asked this girl out on a date?" She asks.
"I have. We have been on many dates before. But I messed up and we didn't talk for ages," I smile. "I am actually on a date with her now." I smirk.
"Really now? So where is she?" She attempts to play dumb.
"She is in front of me." I smile.
"Are you guys ready to order?" A older lady interrupts our moment.
"Yes.... Well I am," Jade smiles trying to hide her embarrassment from the previous scene. "I will have a chicken schnitzel with a slice of cheese pizza on the side." She says.
"And you sir?" The waitress turns to me.
"I will have a -" I stop suddenly when I look up at the waitress noticing the women. Well maybe tonight was meant to be a run-into-people-you-haven't-seen-for-ages-night.
Cliff(ord) hanger ;-) see what I did there? Clifford hanger.... Cliff hanger...... Gahd I'm so dumb... Sorry I gonna stop now.

Chapter status: Edited.

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