Chapter 1

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Jade's Pov:

Today was going to be a good day. I walk into my school grounds remembering that my English teacher Mr Huth told us yesterday that we are going to have a new kid named, Ashton. As I walk into school I saw him, I think, my emotions immediately change. I can see the bad radiating off of him. As I walk pass him I keep my head down so he cant see me. I walk into the breeze way and I see my friends, Olivia and Holly, causing me to walk faster.

"Hey!" I yelled happily, then laughing because they just jumped out of their shoes. "I scared you so much just then"

"Hey" they both said at the same time.

"I just saw that Ashton kid, he was hot, but I could literally see the bad radiating off of him" I explained as they began to laugh.

"Well we should talk to him first and see what he is like, and then get you and him together!" Holly says to me excitedly. "I def won't date him, Luke would obviously get angry at me and so will Michael if Olivia dated him. Plus your the only badish one in our group, so it would be cute!" She is starting to get out of control.

"Uh I don't know" I try not to be excited about this.

"You can go now! Grade 11 and 12!" The teacher yelled making me jump.

As we walk through the heard of people to our lockers we find our last piece to our puzzle Sammy

"Hey, Jammy Say!" I yell in her face making her laugh at the nickname I made for her.

"Hey, I saw that Ashton kid and you would be cute with him" This is the second time I have heard this and we haven't even met him.

"Yeah, whatever" I frustratedly say. As we walk into the locker room and I open my locker and Ashton walks behind the principle Ms Hoff and she shows him where his locker is. She leaves him there and he chucks his bag into the locker without a care and walks out of the stuffy room with his books.

"Someone has an attitude problem" I tell Holly next to me and then watching her laugh chucking her head back.

"You can see the bad radiating of of him your right" She continues to laugh as we get our books out of our locker. Olivia and Sammy walk past us and it our signal to leave this hell house, people rushing everywhere. We walk to pastoral care without a care, running into people walking up the thin pathway.

"They need to make this path bigger because this school is getting crowded" Olivia reads my mind and says what I was thinking. We all nod and continue to walk to PC. As we walk into the jail like room everyone is here. 32 people in one room is stuffy and loud. Our small teacher greets us and we sit down, practically everyone pulls out there iPads and is straight onto social media. The joy of having wifi and iPads at school. I scroll through my Instagram as the teacher calls out Ashton's name to come up to the front of the class. I keep my head down and try not to look at him. I can feel his eyes burning into me.

"Hi, I'm Ashton" he says briefly not caring for anyone but himself and he walks to the back of the class to take his seat.

"He seems very antisocial" I tell Holly still scrolling through my Instagram.

"Yeah I completely agree you could change that though" she laughs, I think she is making a joke out of this now.


Time for English. This is going to be fun.

"I hope Mr Huth will just let us work on our crime fictions." Olivia says hopefully, I nod in agreement because I like writing stories. I feel long fingers tap on my shoulder and I turn around.

"Hi Im Ashton." Ashton is talking to me, why? I mentally slap my self and introduce myself.

"Hi, I am Jade." I say trying to hold my attitude because I already knew his name. "Quick question, did you get expelled from your last school?" This time I mentally punch my self as I watch his expression.

"Uh, yes I did, how did you know that?" Uh oh, what do I say.

"Um my friends, friend told me, they said some bad things about you, I hope they aren't true" I am now making this really awkward I should stop talking to him. "I have to go now, nice meeting you, Ashton." I awkwardly say to him running up to my friends.

"How did it go? Is he nice? Is he like what Stacey's friend said?" Holly bombards me with questions.

"I made the worst impression out of my self. He probably thinks I am an awkward fuck." I say running my hair through my bleach, blonde hair.

"He is probably thinking the exact same thing as you" Olivia attempts to comfort me as Mr Huth lets us into the room

"Ok grade 11, today we are going to work on our crime fictions," Our teacher explains to us and I watch Olivia's face grow with happiness. Everyone takes out their iPads and begins with their stories. Ashton sits a couple of seats away from me and Mr Huth tells him what to do. I put my hand up and wait for Mr Huth to come and check my work.

"Jade this is good, but I think you need to drop more hints throughout the story. Your on the right track but you need to make it have more tension" He smiles to me and I smile back.

"Ok, thank you." I thank him and he goes to another student.

"You realise that Ashton keeps staring at you" Holly tells me, which I already could feel his eyes on me.

"Yeah I could feel that he was, I could feel it in my nuggets" I laugh and holly laughs along with me. I look across to Ashton and as he see's me he looks away.

Hey guys, Im Chloe. I will be updating every day or so. Thank you for reading this book, trust me it will get better through out this love, hate book hope you enjoy the journey i know i will :-) xxxxxxx

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