𝗝𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗦𝗶𝗺𝗺𝗼𝗻𝗱𝘀- 𝗨𝗻𝗳𝗮𝗺𝗶𝗹𝗶𝗮𝗿

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NOTE: Written back in 2020, been sat in my drafts for 3 years, might as well just publish it.



Jake, Mickey and Myself has been on the road for the best part of a year now, taking out as many Cybermen as we could, so far we had destroyed 3- because we had to plan for each one and gather weapons.

When Mickey stayed behind I also decided to stay here, one- because I didn't want Mickey to have to live in a unfamiliar world on his own as he was a good friend. The second reason- I was intrigued by Jake, the blonde Geordie- we'd instantly taken a liking to eachother, from the moment he grabbed me and Mickey and threw us into his van.

I'm glad I decided to go with him, rather than after The Doctor and Rose, but I was going to go with Mickey either way because I didn't want him to get lost.

I'd met Mickey through Rose, who I met through the Doctor. I'd always defended Mickey, and befriended him practically as soon as I met him.

We were all sitting in a hotel room which Pete had booked waiting for our flight back to Britain after taking out another factory- we would carry on but there isn't a point due to the fact that the all the Cybermen from the rest of the world were gone.

Mickey was currently shaving in the bathroom and me and Jake we're sitting- well lying down together on a bed. Strictly as friends though, because my feelings for him were just one sided.

"What times the flight back?" I ask the blonde casually, as one of his hands secures itself around my waist.

"7:30-tomorrow morning" Jake replies looking up to the ceiling with his eyes closed.

"Your not gonna fall asleep on me are you, Simmonds?" Amusement lacing my voice, Jake cracks an eye open at my comment and a handsome smirk spreads on his face. "No, not until we're both- let's just say wearing less clothes than this"

My eyes widen and instantly my gaze goes else where I feel heat rise to my face as the room temperature rises. "Your disgusting, J."

He laughs. "What? It's not like we haven't seen eachother naked before"

"Yes, I know. But we kind of had no choice as the three of us have spent the last few months sleeping and living in the back of a van."

"Now Y/N, you cant say you don't like what you see. I must admit, I highly recommend the view I get."

"When Mickey comes in make sure to tell him that" I reply, trying not to die of embarrassment.

Jake rolls his eyes. "You know that's not-"

Conveniently, Mickey walks in to save my embarrassment from worsening- his eyes fall into myself and Jake on the bed before he smiles- a smug knowing smile. "You two look cosy, what have I missed?"

"Nothing" I speak quickly, before the Geordie could get a word in.

"Really? Because, you two don't exactly talk quietly and I could have sworn you two were flirting"

I shake my head. "No. We weren't, trust me- why would we, anyway? Jakes definitely not my type, and I'm certainly not his, right J?" I ask dismissively,  obviously Mickey knows of my attraction towards Jake, but I made him promise to me he wouldn't say a word, and so far he hasn't.

As I look to the blonde man for an answer, I swore I could see his face contort into hurt at my words, before he masks it with a small fake smile and scoffs. "Yeah, course your not" but as soon as the words leave his lips the smile drops and Jakes face turns emotionless, but the hurt still resonated in his ocean coloured orbs.

𝗥𝗮𝗻𝗱𝗼𝗺 𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗰𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝗜𝗺𝗮𝗴𝗶𝗻𝗲𝘀 🤍Where stories live. Discover now