the whispers

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(y/n) looked into the golden eyes of the country infront of her who shook her hand, "my name is Egypt, it is an honor to meet you" he say as he smiled, (y/n) blushed a bit, 'he looks handso- what the heck am I thinking?!' (Y/n) thought to herself, she mentally face palmed and smiled, trying as best to hide her blush, "it is an honor to meet you as well, Egypt" (y/n) answered with the same formality, egypt nodded in approval, he then motioned for (y/n) to follow him and she did, "I am going to try to make this tour as quick as possible, this place is very big... we are currently at the guest hall room and this place has 4 guest hall rooms, this is the smallest one..." egypt said as he left the guest hall with (y/n) following behind, 'the smallest?! And there are 4 of them?!' (Y/n) thought, wide eyed but kept her composure calm, as egypt continued, "there are 13 bedrooms, all are on the second level of this place, there are 3 libraries, 2 on the second level and 1, the biggest one is on the this level, it is also known as the grand library. That is where most of the countries treasured and memorable items are. There is also a main hall, usually for parties and grand events, then there are 6 storage areas, 3 are located in the basement and 3 are located on the second level, one of them everyone is prohibited to enter..." Egypt said, pausing for a minute he looked at (y/n), he was about to say something but the sight made him just hang his jaw, he was mesmerized, the golden coloured lights that illuminated the area made (y/n)'s eyes sparkle, as if there were over millions of star dancing.. the light also fell on (y/n)'s smooth skin like a blanket and made her glow, and her (h/c) hair reflected the light making (y/n) look like an angel or a beautiful maiden.. (y/n) looked at egypt in confusion, while he was mesmerized by her, he didn't notice how he got a little bit closer to (y/n), this caused (y/n) to blush and take a small step back. Egypt then came back to reality and shook his head to focus, he apologised and they both continued with the tour...

After a few minutes, approximately 32 minutes, they were done with the tour, egypt was going to leave as he himself has to visit his place. (Y/n) followed his to the front door, they both got along and started simply chatting, once egypt stood at the front doors he smiled and gave a small wave and said "I had an amazing time showing you around and having a little talk, visit me and some of my friends sometimes! I'm sure they will be pleased to meet you!" "Sure will! Thank you again Egypt!" (Y/n) smiled, they both shared a moment, just staring into each other before egypt left.. as the doors shut (y/n) sighed, she thought for a moment before she realized..'I am alone in a huge castle....what now?' (Y/n) thought for a bit before simply shrugging and exploring the castle once more even though egypt already showed her everything... (y/n) checked into her bedroom which Egypt said was hers and it was huge! The walls were (f/c) and so were the bed sheets, the room had a huge dresser and other things that are required... the dresser was empty and (y/n) had to unpack so she did what came in her mind first, she started unpacking and making her room filled with her ascents and making it as comfortable as possible, not that its uncomfortable... 

It took about an hour, and (y/n) managed to unpack everything but it exhausted her.. she stretched and changed into her more comfortable clothes and went to take a short rest..her lids became heavier as she looked at a beautiful clock that had an unique pattern to it. The longer she started at the clock the heavier her lids got, and the last thing (y/n) rememberd before falling into slumber was the time...17:32... 

(y/n) opened her eyes to be met with darkness, as usual... she just waited... waited go be blinded by the lights.. waited to see only blur....waited to see the silhouette and hear the weeping and mumbling as well as the beeping, as usual....but.... instead... she felt as if she is being suffocated... as if she was in a pool of water, she struggled, she couldn't breath....she was desperate... after a moment she closed her eyes, she couldn't do anything, after a moment..... she finally took in a deep breath, she could finally breath. (Y/n) opened her eyes to see her amulet glowing... she had forgotten about it, she forgot about its beautiful illuminating glow and the conforming feeling, she held the amulet in her hands and raised it so that she could look at it... it was glowing... the only source of light in this dark void...she stared deeply into its glow...too deep.... she noticed something...something unusual.... it was like a scene... the deeper she looked into the amulet the more she could make out a scene...a scene of a man...holding a pistol...about to shoot a child...but then someone ran infront of the child...and the man pulled the trigge... when he did though, (y/n) jumped in fright as the void was suddenly filled witha loud bang like sound, imitating the gun shot... as it echoed, (y/n) looked back at the amulet and stared deeply into it, she saw many people crowded around the girl who protected the child.. they were screaming her name...'(y/n)'....was the girls name...(y/n) remembered this... she remembered every single thing.. but.. she was surprised to see that an ambulance came.. it took the her away along with her friend..(bf/n)... the amulet then showed a little girl.. the one who the man tried to shoot.... she was simply staring at the ambulance that was driving away, she then turned around and looked at the cops that had arrived.... turning around the little girl left... and by left....she simply disappeared into thin air.... (y/n) was shocked...she was so confused.. she couldn't think straight... then suddenly, before (y/n) could proceed anything, gravity hit...(y/n) started falling, but instead of hitting something hard, it felt like she hit a soft bed, she again was blinded by the light and her body was paralyzed...she couldn't move...this time there was no weeping... only the beeping, (y/n) played there for a few minutes, knowing that she couldn't move...but...she tried.. she tried her hardest to atleast move her finger.... the beeping was steady as she started pressuring her body to give a single didn't work... she tried again... the beeping speed picked didn't work....(y/n) tried again just much more harder....the beeping increased... very much.. but again... (y/n) failed....she tried again...with all her soul strength...the beeping was going ballistic...soon there were a lot of mumbling mostly fillied with panic as what seemed to be a door slamming open and a lot of blurry figures started entering but (y/n) ignored them...she ignored the beeping and the mumbled yells...she ignored the dizziness she felt... all she was trying to do was move...and she did...just for half a second..she managed to jerk her arm 3 centimetres up before...(y/n) fainted...she was now again in a dark void...(y/n) was exhausted.. she used all her energy trying to move for just a little...and now she is out of energy...she simply shut her eyes and enjoyed the silence of the void...just silence... the silence that was disturbed by some whispers...(y/n) squinted her eyes trying to ignore them but... they kept on coming... then something unusual happened... the created a loud bang... the same sound the pistol made... this made (y/n)...

(Y/n) jumped out of the bed, she was covered in cold sweat and her amulet was giving a very faint glow... she thought about the dream...or a vision? She sighed, she finally realized after calming her nerves and racing heart that it was very dark, the only light that was illuminated was from the moon that lit up the night clear sky filled with stars. (Y/n) looked at the clock and sow it was 3 in the morning... she groaned, she stood up from bed and walked out of her now new room and started walking towards the garden as it was the only place she thought of to calm her self... the light illuminating from the amulet helped her to see some things and make it out safely without hurting herself nor breaking anything in the process... once she was outside the smell of fresh flower filled her lungs and the cool breeze blew her hair and her dress... she looked around and stared walking around the garden that was the size of a park... she observed what she could in the moon lite night and simply took in the fresh and calming air... after a few minutes of walking she decided to go inside because it was getting cold, but as she was heading inside the castle she heard whispers... she got scared but curious, wasnt she supposed to be the only one here? (Y/n) thought. Curiosity got the best of her and she followed the whispers, which turned into voices chatting. (Y/n) picked behind a Bush and sow something that confused her, at a little table there were three countries sitting there... atlest they looked like countries, they were speaking in foreign language and (y/n) couldn't understand nor hear properly what they were saying.. so she creeped closed, "Да я видел ту девушку,  Странно то что они простого человека привезли сюда" someone spoke, (y/n) memorized this language, it was russian, "ja ja, einverstanden" another voice joined in, it sounded german "¿Qué podría ser tan especial sobre la chica?" The third country said or more like askeddiin Spanish, (y/n) tried to leave and ask about this event to UN but as she took one step back she accidentally stepped on a stick which snapped due to the pressure. (Y/n) froze, and the three countries stopped talking and quickly stood up, alarted by the sudden sound, they looked at each other befor one of them who had a rectangular shaped head approached the direction (y/n) was in, the two followed behind. (Y/n) and the rectangular shaped country stared into each other before (y/n) looked at the other two, she noticed that all the three countries widened there eyes before the one who spoke russian said "do you...see us?" In a russian accent but better then Russia's accent... (y/n)hesitantly nodded, the countries looked shocked, as if something unbelievable happened..."good day...Mein Name ist Richtangle, what is yours?" The rectangular head shaped county said, he was definitely speaking German, (y/n) noticed how cautiously richtangle spoke to her as if she would run away, even though (y/n) was frightened and confused, she smiled and answered "m-my name is (y/n)" the smile made the three countries a bit relaxed, the one who had a black, yellow and white striped face introduced himself "I am the Russian Empire" "and I am the Spanish Emprie", they all introduced themselves, but before anyone could say anything someone from behind the three of the countries spoke "we should introduce her to the others...oh..ahem, forgive me for my manners, I amAustria-Hungary" everyone looked at the said country, he had two eye patches with a royalty styled pattern that covered both his eyes, which confused (y/n) on how he could see but she didnt question it "yes I think we should" Spanish emprie said as he extended his hand towards (y/n) to take, she looked at his hand and hesitantly took it, she then looked at them and she was in a perfect angle wher the moonlight illuminated her in every way, her eyes sparkled and her skin glowed she looked unreal, like an imagination that went wild, like a princess or queen from a fairytale... the 4 country stared in aw but all of them kept a straight face..except for spanish empire who smirked and led her inside, the others followed behind... secretly jealous of the fact that Spanish empire was the one who escorted (y/n).....

(Cliff hanger).....

sorry guys for the long wait, my exams will be for 2 weeks and I will try to post as much as I can and as fast as I can, but anyway I hope you enjoy the story, like, comment and PEACE ✌

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