oh no

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France slowly retrieved the plastic cup and started walking towards her long loving father. She was visibly trembling while her father was still paralyzed. France was trying her best to stay balanced and not fall over but her father had a hard time moving... it was until france was a few inches away from her father, French empire immediately hugged his daughter with one hand, the other was still holding (y/n)'s hand..or more like, (y/n) was gripping the French empires hand so that he wouldn't let go.. 

The both countries kept saying words and phrases like 'I love you' or 'I missed you' in French while (y/n) was worried that someone would see then...so she did the best thing she could do. She grabbed France with her free hand and dragged both countries into what looked like a musical room. It had different instruments like piano, guitars, violins, flutes ect. And that room was a bit dusty... "why did we come here?" France asked (y/n) who took a big breath and was ready to explain everything... "so...uh...how should I say it...Well.. the reason you can see, hear and touch your father is because he is in contact with me. Basically if either you or anyone from the dead touches me they become revealed to the living...unless if I hold you... if I come in contact with only you then you will be the only one to see the....spirits...while the other living won't..." (y/n) took a breath in after explaining, she then turned around to look at both france and French empire, they both had a confused look on their face but none the less they still looked happy to see each other.. 

"I had to clean the dining room with a few other countries but I guess I could change my schedule and clean this room instead" france said smiling while looking at her father and (y/n). "That will be a great idea-" "unless you get in trouble" (y/n) cut off French empire as she did not want any trouble neither did she want to cause trouble for others. France nodded and said "I'll be right back. I will talk to UN about this and get some supplies." And with that last note, france left.  Quite quickly and eagerly. Both (y/n) and french empire stood there for a moment, still holding hands, none of them doing any actions, until... "i-i thank you mon cher.. I can't thank you enough..i-" french empire suddenly hugged (y/n) and started stuttering. (Y/n) was surprised at the sudden action but she hugged him back and said "it's alright...you don't need to thank me" 'I hope that no one, especially Soviet, will not enter this room.. what have I got myself into?' (Y/n) thought, still abit worried for the others to find out...

(Y/n) was holding France's hand as it would be less awkward between her and French empire. France was cleaning the piano while holding (y/n) hand who was also helping her clean the piano whit her free hand.. all the while the two females where laughing at french empire's jokes, they were half way done cleaning the room and they honestly had a great time while doing so, thanks to french empire, it wasn't boring and it definitely felt like the time went quick...even though the time was moving at it's normal pace..

After a few more hours, the room was clean. Like extremely clean, as if the furniture and instruments there were brand new. The two female sat on stools to take a rest and had a small chat with french empire and each other. While french empire was telling yet another joke, a question popped up in (y/n)'s mind. "Sorry to interrupt but what did you say to UN? How did you convince him to let you change your schedule?" (Y/n) asked france. She just shrugged and smiled while saying "well I told him that the dining room was being cleaned by 3 other countries. So I asked him if I could clean the music room or in other words the room where they kept the instruments at, with you" france pointed at (y/n) as she then continued "so he allowed me. But I didn't change my schedule, everything stayed the same" she smiled, "That's my smart girl!" French empire said which caused france to groan "dad I'm not 5 anymore" "oh so what? Does age matter now? Does it mean I can't get a hug from my lovely princess?" French empire said, while extending his hands out with puppy eyes, waiting for france to hug him. France and (y/n) giggles, France then hugged her father while (y/n) still held her hand... france and her father stayed in that position for awhile.. savouring every moment...feeling like this I'd the last time they saw each other...it was all going quite...until

......the door creeked open...which cause france and french empire to let go but they still held hands..  in came a tall ex country....the russian empire..he looked at both France and french empire in confusion...and behind him...stepped in soviet union...who had an unknown expression on his face..atleast to (y/n) as he looked at her dead in the eye....'what have I gotten myself into?' (Y/n) thought again...awaiting what would happen next...

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