the three heads of the world

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As the sun shone brightly, (y/n) and america finally made it to Britain's house. Britain was waiting with a smile once he sow (y/n), he let both america and his son in, "good day love, how are you feeling?" Britain said taking (y/n)'s hand and kissing the back of it, this caused (y/n) to blush, she smiled shyly and answered "I good, what about your self?" "I'm quite alright love" before anyone could say anything, the house suddenly was filled with a scream, a girly scream.... *thump thump thump* some one one was running down the stairs and it wasnt just one person, Britain sighed, while France came into view, she looked confused, but that confusion turned into annoyance as she rolled her eyes, down the stairs came running America and New Zealand... wait, it wasnt new Zealand, it was Australia holding a...huge...hand sized....tarantula spider... and america was running for his dear life as Australia was laughing chasing america with his spider in hand, britain was about to scrolled the two grown countries but france beat him to it, "Boys!! vous êtes des pays adultes, vous n'êtes plus les deux enfants" Both th countries stopped and looked at france, Australia let the spider climb on his shoulder as he apologised, while America was about to say something, britain stopped him and said, "don't you dare back talk, she is right, your grown countries, not 5 year olds, for the lords sake, America you are 243 years old, that goes to you too Australia!" (Y/n) eyes widened at Americas age, he looked in his early 20's along with everyone else, but she shrugged it off knowing that the were country after all and nothing made sense to her anyway. America huffed and rolled his eyes while crossing his hand and muttering 'whatever' and leaving to his room, Australia on the other hand stayed and smiled at (y/n) as he noticed her presence, (y/n) smiled back, on behave trying to hold in her laughter at what just happened, "Australia meet (y/n), (y/n) this is my other son Australia" britain said calling Australia over, "anyways, I hope you kno why america brought you here, we are going to go to meet the United Nation in 30 minutes" Britain walked away, France following behind, leaving (y/n) and Australia alone "hey, it's nice to see you" Australia said reaching his hand out for (y/n) to shake, (y/n) shook his hand and said "it's nice to meet you too" (y/n) smiled but she jerked her hand lightly backwards as the spider was crawling down Australia's arm towards (y/n), Australia chuckled and said, "dont worry mate, he doesn't harm ya, he just wants to say hi" Australia said reaching his hand towards (y/n).

A bit of hesitation was surrounding (y/n)'s hand as she slowly reached out her hand and allowed the spider to climb on, she never thought in her life she would do this but here she it, holding a huge tarantula. The tarantula started crawling around (y/n)'s arm and then he turned around and jumped back to Australia's hand, almost missing the  jump if Australia hadn't fought him, "careful there bud. See I told you" Australia told his spider  before facing (y/n) and smiling, he then smirked and yelled "Hey Ame!!! You are a wanker, you couldn't even hold a spider where as (y/n) did!!!" "Shut up!!!" America yelled from the second floor embarrassed....

As time went by, Australia showed all his 'pets' to (y/n) they included of spider, poisonouse and  non poisonous  butterflies, centipedes and other type of insects which (y/n) didn't dare touch, infact that only insect (y/n) came in contact with is, Robert, Robert the tarantula. Australia also said that he had more 'pets' but britain didnt allow him to bring them in his house so he only took a few little once. Both Australia and (y/n) along with canada who joined in a few minutes ago were watching a movie, america didnt want to join and New Zealand wasn't home, so only the three watched the movie, well that is until britain and france came in. "Mon cher, are you ready to go?" France asked, she wore a fancy dress but not too fancy and britain as usual wore a black tuxedo, (y/n) nodded she stood up but then worry hit her, 'what will happen if they dont like me, what if they ask me where I'm from' canada and Australia noticed (y/n) panicking and they comforted her by saying, "dont worry mate, everything is going to be alright" "yea, they aren't as bad as they seem", (y/n) smiled at the two and left with Britain and france.

Britain ordered a cabin or what america would have said a taxi, and left to the bigger part of the city. The ride was long and there were a lot of people with different nationalities. As every building passes the less crowded the area gets, it seemes like the area is restricted to many people, and right it was, the cabin stopped, france britain and (y/n) came out, (y/n) looked around and saw a huge building ahead, it looked like a huge museum but the letters on the building said otherwise. 'THE COUNCIL OF UNITY' was written on the building, there was almost no people left except for 7 including (y/n), britain and france. The three went forward, towards the building and it was surrounded by a fence wall which had some plants and trees scattered in a beautiful pattern within the fence. (Y/n) looked at every single flowers, there were roses, Camomile, Lotus ect.

As the three individuals entered the building, they went straight for the meeting room. (Y/n) thought that the entrance hall was huge, but she was dead wrong, the waiting room was bigger but the meeting room was gigantic, as Britain, france and (y/n) came to there assigned seats, they waited. Not a minute went by a nod the huge doors that was located in front of all the chairs where a huge table, or should I say tables were located, there were three judge like tables and on them there were written, EU, on the right, ASEAN, on the left and UN in the middle. Once the doors opened, in came three..other counties/organizations?

The United Nation, European Nationa and Asean.

The three organizations looked at (y/n), standing in front of her while britain and france were behind her and the first one to speak was UN, "greetings, you must be (y/n), am I right?"

(Cliff hanger....)

Thanks for reading, i hope you enjoy this chapter, comment down below, like and ....PEACE ✌

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