final preparations

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...The feeling of being dipped in ice water... the feeling of suffocation....the feeling of emptiness.... that's what (y/n) felt, as she was floating in the void she got used to being in, she was floating freely but frantically as she was struggling to breath... suddenly it seemed like gravity hit hard as (y/n) all of a sudden started falling... she was falling into what seemed like a pit of nothing...just a black hole.... (y/n) tried to scream but she couldn't, she couldn't move... it seemed as if she was paralyzed... the only thing she could do was close her eyes and prepare for impact.... but it never came... (y/n) opened her eyes but immediately closed them as a blinding white light irritated her sight....she managed to peek just a little, her vision was very blurry but a little better then before... she knew it was a dream... or at least she thought it was....this 'dream' felt and feels very real but yet.. how so? (Y/n) couldn't move...she couldn't talk....she could barely open her eyes...the kids felt heavy...but she managed to somehow open then...just a little bit..... the scene.... (y/n) always came to the same scene, the pastel green blinds.... a white room....the beeping sound...a white door.... it was all (y/n) could make out, her vision was still very blurry, and her hearing was very weak... she only heard the beeping... like right now.... all she heard were constant beeps coming somewhere from the side but she couldn't move her head....she could only look forward.....there was a creek... and then sobbing?.... yes... the sobbing... in came a moving blurry figure... (y/n) remembers this figure, but she doesn't know if this is the same figure... as she couldn't see the figure... it was very blurry... the only thing (y/n) could make out of the figure that came into the room was the colour of what she assumed was the clothes she wore....  (y/n) saw different figures throughout her dreams.... but there is one particular figure that catches (y/n) attention.... it is tyr sobbing one...everytime she enters... she sobs...but... why?.....the figure started saying something but (y/n) couldn't hear anything, it mumbled....she then suddenly felt a weird feeling.... for the first time in all her dreams... the feeling of being touched....her hand had a soft pressure... but it was weird.... it was a dream... (y/n) tried hard to fight her paralyzed state one more time... but it was all inval.... when ever she tried to move... her body felt like it was trapped in a  stone.... suddenly she felt like she was being shaked... frantically......

(y/n) opened her eyes to see veitnam shaking (y/n) awake, she had excitement in her eyes as she kept shaking (y/n), "come on (y/n), we are going to leave in a few hours, we dont have a lot of time, let's go eat breakfast!" Ah right.... today was the day, the day of the trip, (y/n) smiled and nodded, saying "I'll be right there!" Veitnam nodded and skipped out the room that was shared by the two... 'it has been a week since I have been living here.... everyone is so happy and well..... uh.... childish" (y/n) thought giggling a bit, she was nervous, she has stayed with the Asean family for a week now and today was the day.... the day she would finally go on a trip...(y/n) sighed, she stood up from bed and went to take a quick shower, after she was done she wore a simple place shirt with a hoodie which Philippine gave (y/n) as a gift and a pair of jeans, the hoodie had a Philippine flag designed on the hood and the pocket.

(Y/n) left down stairs and as soon as she reached the final step she could hear commotion coming from the kitchen, it was always this way, but this last three days including this day, everyone was talking about the trip. (Y/n) walked into the kitchen and sat between Cambodia and Indonesia... she noticed that Philippine was missing... was he finally doing breakfast? Then (y/n) noticed that Singapore and Brunei were also missing, so she guessed the one of them were cooking.... as they all waited for the food to come they all had a small talk, but it was interrupted by Brunei bringing the tray of food along with Philippine and Singapore, Philippine brought in something special though... "I promised I would give you them, and I tend to keep my promise" Philippine said as he set a place of bagels in front of (y/n) and the rest, every one smiled and thanked Philippine, of course they thanked Singapore and brunei as well... but (y/n) decided to take one of the bagels with her since everyone had two bagels each...

After every one was done, Singapore, Myanmar and thailand did the dishes while the rest quickly double checked that everything is ready. Everyone brought there baggages and placed it at the front of the door, everyone sat in the living room, waiting for Singapore, Myanmar and thailand to finish the dishes and also waiting for Asean himself to give some instruction and rules. (Y/n) was getting nervous, which caused her amulet to glow, this caught everyone's attention "hey (y/n) your amulet is glowing again!" Veitnam said. Since veitnam was sharing a room with (y/n) she noticed how at sometimes of the night (y/n)'s amulet would glow, it creeped her out in the beginning but it immediately turned into curiosity and amazement, the only countries in the Asean house that know about the amulet is veitnam, Philippine, Malaysia and Indonesia, but only veitnam saw it glow, this caused everyone to stare at (y/n) in curiosity. (Y/n) pulled out her amulet and this caused the glow to be brighter, everyone was in 'aw', they were all observing it that no one except for (y/n) noticed that  the three countries that were washing the dishes have joined them and were also staring in amazement. Suddenly the glow finally faded as (y/n) calmed down, Laos was about to ask something but he was interrupted by Asean walking in, he observed everyone in the room and then said "I see everyone is ready. Alright, I am going to go through some rules quickly, and then we must all head out since our ride is waiting for us outside. Number one, don't wonder off at the airport, remember stay together, we dont want to lose anyone or the flight, second, try not to argue with each other, in simple words, be on your best behaviour, and lastly, be prepared. now, everyone get your things, the car is outside." And so everyone got to the front door, took their baggage and went outside to be met with a bus, everyone placed their baggages in the back and everyone took their seats. (y/n) sat with veitnam and Singapore, behind them were 'the rice gang', behind the rice gang were cambodia, Laos and Brunei, and in the last row were myanmar and Thailand, upfront with the driver was Asean.... and finally they were driving to the airport...

(Cliff hanger....)

I am so thankful for the 200 likes, I will do a Christmas and new year special chapter, but I may post it after new year! I hope you all had an amazing Christmas and I wish that you all would have a HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! Like, comment and .....PEACE ✌

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