Ukraine's safe zone

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(Y/n) sat at the fire place, along with kazakhstan, having a small chat with him. He was a very kind and hype country, he was respectful and fun. (Y/n) was very fascinated about his wings, those golden wings that seemed to glow with an orange shade due to the light of the flames...the flames that kept the house warm. The house was very comfortable, nothing too fancy and a lot of traditional things, like the russian dolls that sat on a shelf, beside them some other wooden toys and accessories were there as well. "We should go and visit a small village nearby today after lunch! Me and russia are going to take the groceries and I'm pretty sure russia will not mind you joining in. What do you say?" Kazakhstan said smiling brightly, (y/n) nodded and said "this could be fun" kazakhstan smiled wider and stood up, he walked away in to the kitchen before saying, "food will be ready in 5 minutes!" And as soon as he said that, in the kitchen, belarus faint voice could be heard saying, "don't touch my potatoes!" And a small laugh from Kazakhstan that followed by. (Y/n) sighed as she watched the flames dance, the warmth they gave soothed the cold weather. (Y/n) was so focused on the fire that she didn't notice a shadow behind her, that is until it grabbed her shoulders and gave a small scream, this cause (y/n) to scream. She turned around immediately, heart racing and she saw Ukraine, standing there and laughing. (Y/n) breathed a sigh of relief as she playfully punched Ukraine in the shoulder, he rolled his eyes while sitting down next to (y/n) and observed the fire just as (y/n) did before someone interrupted her. They both sat in silence as they watched the flames dance, that is until Ukraine spoke "so..uh...I'm sorry about earlier... I didn't mean to be rude back there...I was just not in a good mood.." (y/n) giggled and said "it's fine, I could see that you were bothered by something" ukraine sighed, he crossed his arms and sunk deeper into the couch while saying "russia forced me to dig away the snow to form a path to our house..I told him to do it himself since I woke up not long before...well I ended up still doing it" (y/n) smiled as she let out a small laugh, she then looked at Ukraine in time to see him staring at her, he blushed and quickly turned away. He then stood up and said "I'm going in my room, if you want, you can join" the last statement almost sounded pleading, (y/n) nodded her head and stood up aswell, following Ukraine to he room....

The room was an average sized, there was a bed pushed against the wall and some cabinets aswell as a wardrobe. There were photo frames on the table, some of them exactly like russia had and the rest were mostly of the country (y/n) met at the castle...USSR. she also noticed a book shelves with a lot of different books and a laptop. There were many other small decorations for the room but other then that, it was a comfortable room. "Sorry about the mess, I dont often clean my room" Ukraine said as he scratched his head, (y/n) smiled and said "it's fine... i had a friend who usually never does anything by herself....." (y/n) trailed off, she remember her best friend.. (bf/n).. all the memories they had together, everything they did together... it all came to (y/n). (Y/n) shook her head as she pushed all those thoughts away and turned towards ukraine who was about to ask her if she was alright but instead he widened his eyes in amazement and said "how...", (y/n) looked at him confused until he pointed at directly at her, he looked down where he was pointing at and that is when she noticed that her amulet started glowing again, (y/n) shrugged and said "it happens sometimes... I don't exactly know how or why" Ukraine came closer to (y/n) and looked at the amulet he then stood straight and sat on the bed, patting a place next to him for (y/n) to join.. they both started small talk and later it turned into conversations and then into jokes... they both were laughing at almost anything they said at that point, but their laughter was broken by Kazakhstan yelling 'food is ready!!!'. Ukraine looked at (y/n) and said "you  can go ahead, I'm not hungry" (y/n) looked at Ukraine... she knew something was up, but she also knew he was stubborn, "I'm not going to eat if your not going too..." (y/n) said standing up... Ukraine looked at (y/n) like she was insane and said "but I'm not hungry, and plus.. if you don't eat you might freeze, you have to eat to be warm!" Ukraine said standing up after (y/n), she simply smiled and said "well then, your gonna be responsible of my death" Ukraine had no words,  he looked at (y/n) with his mouth hung lose.. he stared at her for a minute before, grabbing her hand and leaving his room to get to the dinning room....

Both of them sat at the table where everyone was already waiting for them.. Russia and the rest looked surprised at Ukraine as he sat at the table and started eating, "so I see you decided to come out of your safe zone?" Russia said as he took a sip of his water, Ukraine just rolled his eyes and started eating. (Y/n) looked at her plate, it had smashed potatoes and what seemed to be some type of dumplings... as well as a red soup? Belarus noticed (y/n)'a confusion so she said, "that is smashed potatoes, we also call it pyurreh, that is pelmani or many people also see them as dumplings and that is borscht, it's one of the best soups made by russia and ukraine" belarus said as she went back to eat, (y/n) took a spoon and started eating the smashed potato first, it tasted good, after she was dont she tried the was incredible she quickly ate it and she was almost full, the last thing was those dumplings... she took a bite out of one and her eyes widened, it was .... amazing!.... once everyone was done eating, Belarus and (y/n) along with kazakhstan started carrying the dishes to the kitchen, once everything was in the kitchen, russia was heard in the living room yelling, "Kazakhstan, get ready, we must leave before it gets late". Kazakhstan then grabbed  belarus and said, "do you have anything warm?...a jacket or anything of sort?" Belarus looked at him confused and said "yes, why?" "Please don't ask just bring me something warm!" Kazakhstan said, belarus shrugged and went to her room only to come back with a fluffy winter coat and a scarf. Kazakhstan thanked her, he then quickly took (y/n)'s hand and rushed put the front door. Once they were outside the cold hit (y/n) in the face, but Kazakhstan acted fast and put on Belarus's coat on (y/n) and the scarf aswell... before (y/n) could question anything, both her and Kazakhstan heard russia yell "don't you dare!!", kazakhstan panicked as he picked (y/n) up bridal style and stretched his wings before he pushed off the ground and flew up about 10 feet high, just in time as russia was about to grab him... (y/n) covered her face in Kazakhstan's shoulder out of fear of falling, she took a little peek to see russia pissed of and Kazakhstan giving a small laugh, "Kazakhstan it will be cold for her!" Russia said, clearly anger coursing through him, "well to bad brother, I have her, she will be my responsibility! We will meet you there!!! See ya!" Kazakhstan say as he laughed while flying away with (y/n) in hand, the last thing that the two of them heard was russia yelling "KAZAKHSTAN!!!"......

(Cliff hanger)....

another chapter is already published! Sorry for the long delay...

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