not all comes with joy

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As time went on the sun started to set, it was a very beautiful scenery, (Y/n) and the rest set on top of the hill beside the samurai and watched the sun set, every one was silent, many people were sitting on different hills and were enjoying the view in silence, the only sound that was heard were, the whispers of some people and the soothing sound of the wind along with a few laughter here and there. As the sun was half way through, someone sat near to (y/n) which caught the attention of everyone, as (Y/n) looked at who sat next to her she noticed that it was Russia with... North Korea?!, Russia looked over at (Y/n) and smiled, to which (Y/n) did the same, America and the rest of the countries except for South Korea waved quietly at the two countries who joined them not to disturb the silence, unlike the rest countries, South Korea and north korea had a little staring competition, (Y/n) noticed and she gently placed her hand on South Korea which made him look at her and blush, he smiled and looked back at the sunset while lightly holding (Y/n)'s hand, (Y/n) looked from the corner of her eye to see that north korea was glaring daggers at South Korea, but once he noticed that (y/n) was watching him, he immediately looked away only to turn back to look at the horizon, (Y/n) was a bit confused but she was glad the Russia was here, she then looked back at the setting sun, closed her eyes and smiled, not noticing that north korea was watching and blushing.

Once the sun had finally set, the entire park started chatting again. "What are ya doing here Rusky?" America said, Russia just rolled his eyes at the nickname America called him and answered, "I came here to talk to north korea and saw all of you, so I thought we would join" "well its great to see you Russia, how have you been?" Japan said excitedly, (Y/n) watched them chat for a bit before someone tapped her shoulder, she turned around to see north korea, she felt nervous after the first encounter but she moved that aside and smiled "so you must be north korea right, I'm (Y/n)" north korea was a bit shocked from the amount of confidence that came out from (Y/n), but none the less he answered "yes, I am, it is a nice name..." north korea said, he had a Korean accent and it seemed like he didn't know English that well, but (y/n) could still understand him, she blushed at the compliment and said a simple 'thank you' which made north korea blush, he then said "i am sorry for what happened before" "its fine" (y/n) said but before any of them could say anything else, South Korea pulled (y/n) towards japan, (Y/n) was then filled with different questions that came from Japan, which is why she didn't notice the glares that was shared between both Korean countries.

After awhile of chatting, they all decided to go home. They all had there good byes and left. As every one went there separate ways, Russia went with North Korea, he said they still needed to have a bit of talk, so they left...

America sighed as he led (Y/n) back to his home. As they were walking, they were suddenly stopped by someone, someone who said "晚上好", (Y/n) turned around to see another country, who was definitely China. China was wearing a traditional dress, he also seemed to carry a kitana or simply known as a Chinese sword, which scared (Y/n) a bit but she paid no mind to it. America was shocked for a bit which worried (y/n) but she relaxed after America smiled and shared a hug with China. "So how's it been?" "一切都很好,那你呢?" China answered America, they had a bit of talk, and while they were doing so, (Y/n) started thinking about the sword that China had, 'why did he need it? Is there a reason why he brings it with him? Maybe it was just as a dress set?' (Y/n)'s mind flooded with questions and she almost didn't hear America mention her name, because the next thing she noticed was China being 5 inches away from her. As soon as (Y/n) noticed china, she got surprised and took a step back, this caused China yo raid his brow, she then shyly said, "h-hi" there was a second of silence, China looked (Y/n) deeply into (Y/n)'s eyes, he then smiled and said, "hello, my name is China, my... America was true when he said you were extraordinary, something that none has ever seen, a beauty" (Y/n) face flushed, she became red, "HEY!! I didn't say THAT!!! I just said she was beautiful and-" America was red and got even more redder after saying those last words, he then turned around so that no one could see him, (Y/n) just blushed harder which caused China to chuckle and say "well as much I would like to hang out with you..two, I need to go, have a lot of work, good bye.." China said as he indicated 'you' mostly to (y/n) and before he left he looked as before, deeply into (Y/n)'s eyes. As soon as he left, (Y/n) turned to America who was still looking the other way, (Y/n) smiled she tapped America's shoulder, he didn't budge, (Y/n) tapped his shoulder multiple times, even said his name, he still wouldn't budge, which frustrated (Y/n), she was about to quite until, "lets go" America gently and quickly took (Y/n)'s hand before guiding her back to his place. All the way back, both of them couldn't stop blushing, which deeply angered the person, the person who never left, the country who just watched them walk away from the depths of the darkness...China...

(Cliff Hanger)

SO another chapter done, hope you guys enjoy it, like comment, and....if your reading this, then write PEACE in the comments OR just leave this '✌ ' in the comments......PEACE ✌

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