accidentally revealed

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                             always...darkness.... (y/n) wasn't bothered however...she got used to this emptiness...she got used to the gravity pulling her down...she got used to seeing the blind white light...the sobbing.... the beeping...and a few blurry silhouettes...just like right now...she was laying on what she managed to figure out was a bed...not a very comfortable one... but this time...this time though..she couldn't hear sobs...instead...a voice....for the first this wierd dream...she finally heard a voice..'I miss you...everyone does....pleases...get  well...please...' the voice said...something about that voice was very familiar to (y/n) sadly though everything was still a blur and the silhouette the voice was coming from was out of (y/n)'s sight...but yet it was so close to her ear... then there was another voice...a very inaudible voice came from the door.. the silhouette besides (y/n) sighed and stood up, "Coming!" The blurry figure yelled... it then, what (y/n) assumed, turned to face (y/n) and said 'I have to go...bye..." and so the figure left...(y/n) was extremely was like the voice...was dear to her...she knew the voice...but yet she couldn't put her finger on it...she had enough...she started struggling through her paralyzed state...she tried so hard to move...pull her body upwards.. but each time she tried, the pressure was harder...but she didn't give up...(y/n) was determined... the beeping got faster each second, her breathing was harder but she didn't quite...she tried....her very hardest...she felt extremely light headed but alas...she couldn't do anything...the beeping was going at a very fast pace and so was her breathing...(y/n) continued to struggle...until... she felt something...something wierd but...very...loving? Affection? She couldn't understand what she felt...but she could only describe was like...someone kissed her on the a loved one...but yet there was no on there....she stopped struggling....thinking of the feeling of someone kissing her on the forehead....she relaxed...the beeping went back to normal and her vision faded...she was back in the void....but...not the distance she saw....a figure... a small looked like a child....and..indeed it was...the same child she saw in the past....the one who was nearly shot...the child who...disappeared into thin air when (y/n) was taken by the ambulance?..(y/n) was extremely confused...she didn't understand anything... how? What? Where? When? Was all that rang through (y/n)'s mind but that it until the child spoke... 'you don't have much time....hurry...' and with that said the child disappeared again...leaving behind nothing...(y/n) was about to call out after the child but.....

(Y/n) shot her eyes open only to immediately close them as the sun light was too bright... she slowly got out of bed and looked at the clock which hung on a wall opposite to the was 7:30am. (Y/n) stretched and yawned as she thought about what she dreamt only to nearly have a heart attack when the closed room door swung open, nearly sending the door flying. Belarus stood their smiling, "oh so your awake. I thought I had to wake you up! Anyway, you have to get ready, we are going to leave in a few hours, come to the kitchen and have breakfast when your ready" belarus said as she closed the door again as if nothing happened... (y/n) sighed as she stood up and left the the bathroom to prepare her she was about to go back to the historic castle...

(1 hour and 30 minutes later)

(Y/n) hugged kazakhstan tightly as he was flying her through the sky...again... once everyone was prepared and ate their breakfast, russia called a ride to the historic castle...but kazakhstan decided to take an alternative root and took (y/n) with him...let's just say russia was beyond mad. But atleast it's faster because they reached there exactly at 9 o'clock... 

As Kazakhstan started slowly descending down, (y/n) looked around to see that no one was still there...they arrived early. Once on the ground (y/n) entered the historic castle with Kazakhstan behind her, just looking around.. "I guess I should start dusting off the library" Kazakhstan said as he stopped walking. (Y/n) turned around and asked "what about russia? He will be mad...if he's not already.." kazakhstan just laughed and said, "don't worry, he and Ukraine as well as Belarus have to clean the secondary grand hall which will probably take the entire day, while I have to clean the library with Uzbekistan, Turkmenistan and Azerbaijan". (Y/n) made an '°o°' face which caused Kazakhstan to laugh..

After a few minutes of talking, they both went their separate ways... (y/n) decided to explore the second level of the castle, since she having been there that much or hasn't explored it well...but in any cases she went there, and she didn't even notice but she spent hours walking through hallways and checking into different rooms. She decided to do downstairs as she got exhausted from walking for hours and wanted to know if the others have arrived. As (y/n) was turning the corner she nor did the country who she bumped into managed to stay balance and hence the country accidentally fell onto of (y/n)...the country also known as an ex country was rushing somewhere hence knocked (y/n) and himself forwards...well (y/n) backwards and himself onto of her. (Y/n) blinked a couple times as she groaned from hitting her head. She then looked up and blushed as the French empire, who bumped into her was inches away from her face, he seemed to realize that too as he blushed himself and quickly stood up and helped (y/n) stand by offering his hand. (Y/n), without thinking, looking his hand and stood up. "Mon amore, I am extremely sorry I did not-" "papa..?" French empire started to apologise but was cut off by an object falling onto the ground, making a thud sound and a shaky voice which belonged to france. Both (y/n) and French empire widened their eyes as they turned to look as France... standing there in disbelief...looking at her father with trembling hands and watery eyes...with what seemed to be a plastic cup on the floor. "ma douce princesse..." the french empire he himself was in disbelief and had somewhat watery eyes.. (y/n) noticed that he was holding onto her hand and only then she noticed that her amulet was glowing...'sh*t...soveit warned me...but...I can't stop it now...' (y/n) thought to herself as she watched the two countries observe each other...nearly spilling the tears that threatened to fall...especially for France....

(Cliff hanger....)

hey guys, sorry for the cliff hanger. Just had to do it😂 the next chapter will hopefully be longer and yea...Like, comment and....PEACE✌

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