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Weeks has passed since Ben was considered an ally and not a villain

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Weeks has passed since Ben was considered an ally and not a villain. Mae stayed with him through troubling times and missing his mother which would be understandable. Mae talked with Leia about how Ben was doing constantly while she showed up as a force ghost. It never got tiring with seeing force spirits and not them actually. Ben has proposed to Mae while they were alone on the beach, of course Mae said yes. She did make that promise that she would say yes if he did propose on the beach with a sunset behind them. 

Mae walked to the Resistance base and watched as people and aliens left the base to return or create a home. Mae walked into the meeting room to see Rose, Poe, Rey, Finn, and Ben with the droids. Mae smiled softly and stood with Ben. "Well... Everyone going home?" Rey asked. "I'm going to travel the galaxy with BB-8 and Finn." Poe said. Finn nodded looking at Poe happily. Mae knew they were together but they hid it from the others. "I'm going back to Hays Minor to stay with my family." Rose said holding her necklace. "I'm starting a school... academy for young force-sensitive beings." Rey said. Ben and Mae looked at each other. "We are going to Tatooine to see my grandfather's home then my mother's... Then we are going to Naboo to see Queen Amidala's home planet. Maybe we will even go to Chandrila and stay there." Mae said looking at them. (I changed Chandrila not being destroyed because I can.) They all nodded but before they would do that: Rey, Ben, and Mae were going to bury Leia's and Anakin's lightsabers in the sand on Tatooine.

) They all nodded but before they would do that: Rey, Ben, and Mae were going to bury Leia's and Anakin's lightsabers in the sand on Tatooine

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Rey, Mae, and Ben descends from the ramp of the landed ship and stared out at the desert terrain. They were at Tatooine which of course brought memories up... Good and bad ones. They headed away from the Falcon, BB-8 rolls down the ramp and watched them walk towards the Lars' moisture farm. Rey gazes in and finds it partially filled with sand, she grabs a metal panel and slids down. Mae smiled and followed along with Ben. Mae smiled slightly. "This was my home for the longest time..." She whispered. Looking around at the whole Tatooine planet. 

Later, Mae gently places the Skywalker lightsabers side-by-side on a cloth which lies on the sand. She folds in the edges of the cloth, covering the Jedi weapons, then ties them together with a leather strap and rests her hand on them. Rey made them sink into the sand, to never be seen again till the correct time. As they descend deeper, deeply rumbling, sand caves into the cavity, burying them forever. Rey opens her eyes and stares after them solemnly. Ben had his new lightsaber on his waist belt which was green. Rey activates her lightsaber. A yellow blade extends, and her pensive gaze flickers over it. She rises, extinguishing the saber, they see an elder woman looking at them. "There's been no one for so long. Who are you three?" She asked. "I'm Rey." Rey said. "Rey who?" The elder said. Rey blinks, lowering her gaze. Her brow furrows. As she looks after the side, two ghosly figures start to appear. The Skywalker Twins come into view, stainding side-by-side. They smile warmly at Rey. She smiles back, then turns to the elderly woman, her eyes shining. Mae and Ben sees them and they smile. "Rey Skywalker." Rey said. "I'm Ben Solo and this is Mae Kenobi." Ben said introducing them to her. Mae smiled a bit as she wouldn't have the last name Kenobi for long... It would be Solo.

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