𝕀'𝕞 𝕒 𝔹𝕣𝕠𝕜𝕖𝕟 𝕄𝕖𝕤𝕤...

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Poe was led off the carrier ship to the prisoner rooms to be beat by the stormtroopers to find out about the Resistance and the map importantly

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Poe was led off the carrier ship to the prisoner rooms to be beat by the stormtroopers to find out about the Resistance and the map importantly. Poe soon found himself passed out for the own amusement of the stormtroopers to tell Kylo Ren and General Hux about the pilot not giving them answers. Kylo Ren stormed to the room and stood in the shadows for him to wake up and see him. Poe started to wake up, he groaned in pain from the cuts and bruises that he had on his face. 

"I had no idea we had the best pilot in the Resistance on board. Comfortable?" Kylo asked the pilot. "Not really." Poe told him through battered lips. Kylo Ren walked closer to him, he honestly was surprised with him not saying anything. "I'm impressed. No one has been able to get out of you what you did with the map." Kylo Ren said looking at the beaten guy. He was thinking probing his mind about Mae and about the map. "Might wanna rethink your technique." Poe commented about his troopers technique about getting something out of a prisoner. Kylo Ren said nothing, he reaches out to him. Poe flinches in the chair, feeling like his mind is being entered. Kylo Ren wasn't touching him, but he was reaching out for him. Poe is soon feeling like something was burning his mind. "Where is it?" Kylo asked. Poe groaned in agony. "The Resistance will not be intimidated by you." Poe said. "Where... is it?" Kylo said growing frustrated with him. Poe begins to scream in agony as Kylo sees Mae.

"Poe, this is going to be my first mission since I joined." Mae told Poe happily. "Are you sure you want to do this...?" Poe asked the happy girl. Mae looked at him and sighed softly. She rolled her eyes as she knew what he meant. "Poe Dameron, I'm a big girl. I can handle my problems unlike my father. I can handle a simple mission without seeing him." She said. Poe sighed and nodded, giving up on trying to keep her safe. "Just promise you will run off when he comes close to finding you." Poe said beggingly. "Fine." She told him as she walked off away from him. 

The cell door opens revealing Kylo and outside was the General. "It's in a droid. A BB unit and the droid is with a girl." Kylo told the red haired general. "Well then. If it's on Jakku, we'll soon have it." Hux said looking at him. "I leave that to you." Kylo said before leaving the scene. 

Mae was sleeping against something before she felt a force pulling her

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Mae was sleeping against something before she felt a force pulling her. She woke up really quickly and looked around the desert to see BB-8 trapped.  "Tal'ama parqual!" A girl yelled towards BB-8's kidnapper. Mae ran to save BB-8, she cut the rope with her lightsaber then fixed BB-8's antenna. The girl continued to yell at Teedo which was his kidnapper. She had hid her lightsaber before anyone else could see it, she put it on a belt under her robes. "That's just Teedo. Wants you for parts. He has no respect for anyone." The girl said to the little orange and white droid. "Where do you both come from?" She asked. BB-8 beeped answering for them. " Classified. Really? Me too. Big secret." She said before pointing to the horizon. "Niima Outpost is that way, stay off Kelvin Ridge." Rey continued to tell them. "Keep away from the Sinking Fields in the north, you'll drown in the sand." She continued before leaving to go deal with her own problems on Jakku. Mae nodded to the helpful response that she had gave them. BB-8 beeped trying to follow her or talk her into letting them stay. "No!" Rey exclaimed before BB-8 beeped sweetly and Mae laughed softly as she understood what he was saying. "In the morning, you two go." She said. BB-8 beeped following the girl. Ava followed the girl and BB-8 as they would have somewhere to be for the night, enough time to try and get a ship or at least a plan for what will happen. "What's your name?" Mae asked the girl. "I'm Rey." She said. "I'm Mae and this is BB-8." Mae said as they walked to where they will be staying for awhile. 

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